The Importance Of A CAT Scan For Dental Implants In Richmond

At Sheen Dental we place great emphasis on using the finest technology to serve our patients and that includes state-of-the-art CT scanning machines. Typically we use such machines to create an accurate 3 dimensional image of the jaw which is vital when placing dental implants. Far superior to a traditional X-ray, a 3D scan improves diagnostics by letting the surgeon see clearly the density and health of the jaw bone, as well as the position of the facial nerves. For your safety and the best chance of dental implant success, please never consider allowing a dentist to place a dental implant in Richmond without having first carried out a 3D CAT scan.

How A CT Scanner is used

dental implants in RichmondAs opposed to a traditional X-ray which is only 2 dimensional, a CAT scanner produces a more detailed and precise 3 dimensional scan of your mouth, and only uses a very low dose of radiation. These digital images are uploaded onto a computer and means that your dentist and oral surgeon are able to plan your treatment virtually by gaining an accurate assessment of your dentition and surrounding facial structures, before surgery take place. Ultimately this means pin-point precision when placing implants and greatly improved success rates.

Why it’s so critical to get a CAT Scan for your dental implants

During implant surgery the titanium post which simulates a tooth root is placed into the jawbone where it will eventually fuse with the surrounding bone in a process known as osseointegration. Once this has taken place, the structure will be stable and secure to support a prosthetic crown, bridge, or set of dentures. Before preparing the bone in order to place the implant it’s vital that the surgeon knows with the utmost accuracy just where vital structures are in your mouth, including:

  • The mental foramen nerve
  • Inferior alveolar canal
  • Shape of the mandible
  • The maxillary sinus

Having identified these structures with pin point precision it means that:

  • You’ll spend less time in surgery
  • Chances of complications are reduced
  • The potential number of visits to the dental clinic will be reduced

Our investment in advanced technology and dental equipment benefits both our patients and our dentists by ensuring rapid and detailed assessment of important facial structures and accurate diagnosis of clinical problems. If you’re considering dental implants in Richmond then at Sheen Dental you know you’re in safe hands. Why not ring us on 020 8876 5277 to arrange a free consultation where you can take a tour of our facilities and meet the dental team to get all of your questions and concerns answered. Alternatively, visit our website at where you’ll find a lot more information relating to implants.