The Importance Of Dental Implant After Care

Whether you’re thinking about undergoing surgery for a dental implant in Richmond or Manchester, you’ll probably have done your research and as such already know many of the main advantages that implants have over other forms of teeth replacement. While you might understandably focus on the important issues such as the process itself and what you can expect, there is another important aspect that you might not have considered, and that’s after care, or rather the importance of it.

A lifelong commitment

dental implants in RichmondWhile it’s widely recognised that a dental implant can last 3-4 times that of other forms of teeth replacement they do need to be cared for in the correct way. In essence, dental implants look, feel, and to some extent act just like your normal teeth and that’s what makes them popular with anyone looking for a permanent, lifelike form of teeth replacement. However, despite the fact that they’re artificial, just like your normal teeth they need proper care and attention to remain in good condition.

So what does this entail?

Quite simply, proper and regular brushing, flossing, and rinsing!

Implants can be prone to attack from bacteria and plaque just as our normal teeth are. Therefore high levels of attention and care are needed, particularly in the early days. Regular brushing helps remove any plaque and food debris from around the implant area and flossing removes any debris from those awkward-to-reach spaces or gaps between your teeth. These are all areas where bacteria can multiply and attack the gum at the base of the implant.

In addition to maintaining high standards of oral hygiene, it’s important to attend regular 6 monthly check-ups with your dentist. The reason for ongoing check-ups is two-fold. Firstly the dentist should be able to spot any problems early on and deal with them before they escalate. Many of the problems surrounding dental implants aren’t painful and can’t always be noticed with the untrained eye. Therefore regular dental check-up’s are vital. The other reason for attending a check-up is so the area around the implant can be properly cleaned. When plaque is allowed to build up, it turns into tartar or calculus. This is impossible to remove with normal brushing alone and as such the dentist (or dental hygienist) uses special tools to remove it. This ensures that every 6 months at least, your teeth and implants get a thorough and proper clean.

So there you have it. Yes your newly placed dental implants in Richmond can last for many years, but they need lifelong continued commitment from you to make sure that they also live a happy and fruitful life.

If you’d like to find out more about implant after care or would like to speak to us with a view to having dental implants, then why not book yourself a free consultation. It’s no-obligation so you won’t be committing yourself to anything and it’s a great way to find out all the facts, as well as getting your questions and concerns answered by the professionals. Contact us via our website at or call us direct on 020 8876 5277 today.