The Importance Of Preventative Dental Care

Here at Sheen Dental we’re placing more dental implants in Richmond than ever before. It’s tricky to say whether this is a good thing or not. Obviously, from a business point of view it’s good for us and from a patient’s perspective it’s good to know that receiving a dental implant is almost akin to getting back your lost tooth. However, we also need to remind patients that by practising preventative care techniques, they can hang on to their biological teeth for much longer.

preventative-dental-carePreventative dental care techniques is one of the best tools a patient can have in order to keep their smile healthy and protect their teeth and gums. Failing to do this can often have far reaching consequences on both oral and overall health. However there are a few simple steps a patient can take to keep their smile looking attractive and healthy.

Start early

It’s never to soon to start introducing an oral care routine to your children. If you’ve got a baby then don’t wait until their first tooth appears before taking any action. Instead get into the habit of caring for their gums by wiping them with a clean piece of gauze after feeding and before bedtime. This will get them used from an early age to having someone else open and examine their mouth. As soon as their first tooth comes in, bring them into the clinic to meet the dentist and get acquainted. This can often alleviate dental anxiety in older years.

Brush, Floss, Rinse, Repeat

Establishing a consistent oral health routine helps reduce the chances of bacteria developing in the mouth. By properly brushing and flossing twice a day, patients can remove particles of food and bacteria, especially along the gumline, which if left can harden into plaque which can lead to gum disease if not removed by your dentist or hygienist. It also helps to rinse with an anti bacterial mouth wash to freshen your breath and wash bacteria away.

Eat healthy foods

A well balanced diet is good for your health and your teeth. Good nutrition is essential for maintaining healthy gums and preventing tooth decay. Foods like cheese, milk, and yoghurt are great for preventing a build up of plaque on the teeth and also help promote healthy bone. Cutting down on sugary foods and drinks is also crucial to preventing a build up of plaque. Brushing your teeth last thing at night is also really important as food substances left on your teeth for the period while you’re asleep can wreak havoc with your oral health.

Visit your dentist twice a year

We also recommend that you visit your dentist at six monthly intervals for a check up and a professional clean. Although these check ups may not seem necessary if you’re not experiencing any problems with your teeth, it gives your dentist a chance to check for early signs of tooth decay or gum disease which don’t always cause pain in the first instance. They can also check for any abnormalities or signs of oral cancer. Remember a problem spotted early means less invasive procedures and more likelihood of a successful outcome.

By following these basic tips you can keep your smile beautiful and healthy. However, if you’re in need of tooth restoration we’ll be only too happy to discuss your options, including a dental implant in Richmond. Call us today on 020 8876 5277 to arrange a free implant consultation or contact us online at