The Ins and Outs Of Diabetes And Dental Implants

For anyone with one or more missing teeth, dental implants in Richmond are an increasingly popular way of restoring both dental function and appearance. That said the dental implant process isn’t suitable for all people. Aside from those with heart conditions or those who are vastly overweight, people with diabetes don’t make particularly good candidates either.

dental implants in RichmondBefore we continue it’s worth pointing out that for those who do have diabetes, it doesn’t make them automatically ineligible for the process. However it’s important to note that in diabetics, the risk of implant failure is greatly enhanced. That said, if the diabetes is uncontrolled then it’s usually a sign that implant surgery shouldn’t be undertaken, at all, so why is this?

Quite simply anyone suffering from either type 1 or type 2 diabetes will take longer to heal than those who are otherwise healthy. They’re usually more prone to infections such as gum disease which is commonly found in diabetics. More often than not, gum disease can strike a real blow to a healthy implant, eventually causing failure. To add insult to injury, those who suffer with diabetes also have problems regenerating new bone growth. This is vital to implant success as the bone tissue which surrounds the titanium implant needs to fuse with it to create that super-strong platform where the crown is then placed. With a proper diet, exercise, and the right medication diabetes can be controlled and when it is, then the decision to have implants shouldn’t always be a no-go area. Knowing this information, it becomes easy to see just how important controlling diabetes is.

So just how can diabetics ensure successful implant treatment?

In essence there are four steps that any diabetic needs to take before considering undergoing treatment for a dental implant in Richmond. These are …

  • Don’t let your diabetes control you – By watching what you eat, maintaining regular exercise, and taking all prescribed medications it’s possible to get your diabetes under control
  • Practice good standards of oral hygiene As already stated diabetics are prone to gum disease. Proper and thorough brushing and flossing will see to it that this doesn’t happen.
  • Seek help quickly If gum disease is caught early enough it can be treated relatively quickly, so see a specialist as soon as you spot there’s a problem.
  • Attend regular check-ups– Regular check-ups are important for everyone but more so if you suffer from diabetes. This way any problems can be spotted early on by your dentist or hygienist and dealt with before it gets out of control.

If you’ve carried out the steps above and would like to speak to someone about dental implants in Richmond then we invite you to talk to Dr Harmit Kalsi and the team at Sheen Dental. We take each case on an individual basis so to make a booking either contact us direct on 020 8876 5277 or alternatively visit our website at