The Main Benefits Of Conscious Sedation For Nervous Patients

Dental fears and phobias are pretty commonplace. In fact according to studies, approximately one third of the UK suffer from it in one form or another. More often than not, for many routine procedures such as check-ups, most of us of simply ‘put up and shut up‘ in order to get the process over and done with. However when it comes to more complex procedures then conscious sedation might be the answer.

dental implants in RichmondHere at Sheen Dental we’ve been regularly placing dental implants in Richmond patients for many years and during that time have used conscious sedation techniques on many of our nervous patients to great effect. Usually carried out either intravenously or via inhalation, conscious sedation has a variety of advantages over standard local and general anaesthetics. Let’s take a closer look.

Relaxed frame of mind

Unlike other forms of anaesthetic, conscious sedation puts the recipient in a relaxed frame of mind. For most people this frame of mind could be considered carefree and happy and therefore no anxieties, no worries, and most importantly no pain, is felt by the patient. In fact, most patients who experience conscious sedation believe that even after complex surgery, they haven’t been in the dentist chair for very long at all.

More dental friendly

In the main conscious sedation also helps the dentist performing the procedure because they can concentrate more on doing what they need to do rather than worrying about the patient and their rising anxiety throughout the process. What’s more sedation allows the patient to remain awake throughout the process so that if the dentist needs them to respond to an instruction, then they can easily and readily do so.

Shorter recovery period

One of the best factors regarding conscious sedation is that patients recover from the affects of the anaesthetic very quickly. In fact, in cases where inhalation is used then recovery is often immediate. What’s more patients won’t feel sick or groggy like they might with other forms of anaesthetic, meaning that they can return to normal daily activities relatively quickly.

If you’re a nervous patient and would like to find out more about how conscious sedation techniques can help your forthcoming surgery for dental implants in Richmond then come and talk to us today. To make a booking either phone us directly on 020 8876 5277 or via our website at Remember you don’t have to feel anxious in order to get back your great looking smile.