The Main Benefits Of Undergoing Dental Implant Surgery

There’s no getting away from the fact that dental implants in Richmond are becoming more and more popular simply because people are far more aware of the true benefits that they provide. This is despite the fact that they cost considerably more than other forms of teeth replacement. With this in mind, let’s take a look at some of the advantages that undergoing surgery for dental implants can bring.

Longevity and reliability

dental implants in RichmondDental implants are without doubt considered a long-term permanent solution to missing teeth replacement and not without good reason. It’s been proven that a dental implant (if cared for properly) can last 40 years or more. If you relate this to other forms of teeth replacement such as dentures or bridges, there really is no comparison. A standard denture for example has a shelf life of around 5-10 years before it needs replacing and during this time it will also need continual adjustment in order to match the ever-changing shape of the jaw.

Conversely, a dental implant is permanent and once fitted needs no tampering or adjusting. Instead, all it needs to survive and thrive is a good standard of oral care, the same as your normal teeth. As a result, a dental implant really is a hassle free solution.

No discomfort

One of the main issues with dentures is that they can be uncomfortable, especially when they slide and slip around in the mouth. If left a loose denture can cause gum sores which can be painful. Alternatively, if you were to experience a dental implant in Richmond for example, it would be secured directly into the jaw bone, so there’s no chance of it moving around and therefore no chance of any discomfort. In fact you won’t even know it’s there.

Confidence boost

Anyone who has previously undergone treatment for dental implants in Richmond will tell you that they look extremely life-like. So much so in fact that they can be hard to tell apart from normal teeth. Ultimately, many experience a real confidence boost when they realise that they can chew, smile and talk again naturally without any fear of embarrassment.

Improved diet and a healthier you!

Did you know that normal healthy teeth have the ability to absorb over 200lbs of bite pressure? The only form of tooth replacement to get anywhere near this are dental implants. Long-term denture wearers for example often experience bite-pressure of less than one tenth of this, causing them to be picky about the foods that they eat and as a result, limiting their diet. With dental implants you won’t have this problem and most dental implant patients say that they can now enjoy a greater and more varied diet and are able to eat whatever they like.

These are only four of the main benefits of how dental implants can help, but the truth of the matter is that once fitted you’ll notice a holistic change that goes way beyond simply having new teeth. Why not give Sheen Dental a call on 020 8876 5277 or visit our website at to see just how many other advantages dental implants can bring. Our experienced team are standing by to help