The Six Factors That Determine The Cost Of Dental Implants

If you’ve ever wondered why the cost of dental implants in Richmond for example, can only be given as an approximation with minimum and maximum quotations, it’s because there are many factors which affect the cost of implants. So let’s delve deeper.

  1. Quality of dental implant materials – As you probably know, a dental implant is made up of three parts, crown, abutment, and implant. Depending on your particular situation, such as the size of your jawbone and the location of the missing tooth, there will be different options to choose from, which ultimately will affect the overall cost. Titanium for the implant is very costly and the material chosen for the crown, whether that be resin or porcelain, can also affect the price.
  2. Which teeth are to be replaced – Another factor affecting the price is which type of teeth are being replaced. A back tooth implant costs less than a front tooth implant, basically because it’s a tricker procedure and because of the aesthetics involved.
  3. Expertise of your dental surgeon – An experienced dental surgeon is going to charge a high fee for his services because you’re paying for at least 3 years spent studying, and clinical experience. The more experience your surgeon has, the higher price he can command. You could of course choose a dentist who has spent just 3 months of their time learning about dental implants, but do you want to risk being a guinea pig?
  4. Location – Naturally the location of your dental clinic has a part to play. It’s pretty obvious that you’ll pay higher prices in Harley Street, London than you might on your local High Street.
  5. Additional professionals – If other professionals are involved then you’re also going to have to pay for their services. Right away, this could include an anaesthetist and a lab technician.
  6. Other elements – The above all relate to the dental implant itself, but what many people forget are all the additional services and treatments which will be added to the total bill, when you come to pay. You can expect to pay for X-rays and CT Scans which are essential if you want to avoid nerve damage. If your dental surgeon doesn’t mention scans and X-rays then run! If you don’t have sufficient bone, then you might have to pay for a bone graft; and finally….. you may have to pay to have a damaged tooth extracted, if it hasn’t already been extracted.

dental-implants-richmondSo yes, a dental implant in Richmond is expensive, but you should bear in mind that your dentist’s experience and expertise is more important than the financial side of things, simply because it’s your health and well-being that’s at stake; and dental implants are a complex procedure which require a skilled pair of hands.

So don’t rush into making any hasty decisions. Instead take advantage of free implant consultations such as the one offered by Sheen Dental, ask questions, compare prices, and go with the dentist you feel most comfortable with. You can call us direct on 020 8876 5277 to book your free implant consultation or contact us online at We look forward to meeting you.