The Top Ten Questions Everyone Wants To Know About Dental Implants (Part 2)

In Part 1 we answered 5 of your most popular concerns about dental implants in Richmond, so without further ado, let’s crack on with Part 2.

How long will the process take?

dental implants in RichmondWhat dental implants aren’t is a quick-fix solution to missing teeth. Although a single dental implant can usually be placed within an hour or so, the implant then needs time to fuse with the bone tissue. This can take 3 months or more. If you have poor bone quality and need further treatment such as bone grafts then the process can take up to 9 months. However at the end of it, you’ll have a tooth/teeth that look, feel, and act just like the real thing, as well as a great smile to boot!

How long will an implant last?

This is the million dollar question. The problem is that there is no definitive answer. What we do know is that the very first implant patient was successfully fitted with dental implants way back in 1965 and these lasted until the patient’s death in 2008 some 43 years later. That said, provided they’re fitted correctly their longevity often depends on how well they’re looked after by the patient. With proper and regular brushing and flossing then there’s no reason why implants can’t last 30 years or more. When you compare this to the average shelf life of dentures (7-10 years) then the longevity factor of dental implants is arguably 3 or more times that of any other type of missing tooth replacement.

How do I look after my implants?

Whether you opt for a dental implant in Richmond, or any other town in the UK you’ll be given a treatment plan. Part of that treatment plan will be post-operative care. This involves regular and thorough brushing, flossing, and rinsing with an antiseptic mouthwash (in fact it’s just like cleaning your natural teeth). It’s important because in the early days, implants are especially prone to attack from bacteria. For this reason it’s imperative to eradicate any build-up of plaque or food particles from between and around the implant area. Add to this regular six-monthly trips to the dentist for check-ups, and you’ll be left with healthy implants that will last for many years to come.

What is a bone graft and why do I need one?

For anyone that has been missing teeth for a period of time they will have suffered a degree of bone loss. Otherwise known as resorption it’s a natural process that occurs when the bone tissue that once surrounded the tooth root is no longer needed. Just like a muscle that’s no longer in use it starts to diminish causing the bone to recede. As implants need plenty of healthy bone to anchor into, this is clearly problematic when there’s insufficient bone caused by bone resorption. A way to get around this is to implement a bone graft. Healthy bone cells are taken from a bone bank and transferred onto the area. Over a period of time the new bone grows giving the surgeon sufficient area to attach the implant into. A bone graft can take 8-12 weeks to fuse and grow and has to be performed before an implant is placed.

Why are implants so expensive?

There are a number of factors that determine the cost of implants. Firstly the implant itself is a piece of precision engineering made from Titanium. Titanium is by its very nature a costly material, but because of its bio-compatible nature, it’s ability to be able to fuse with bone, and its lightweight yet durable properties, it’s the ideal material for the job. The other factor is that implants aren’t a quick-fix solution and to get long lasting natural looking replacement teeth takes time. It involves a surgical procedure usually carried out by specialists in their field and a multitude of ongoing check ups to see that everything is healing as it should. When you look at initial costs, then yes, implants are expensive compared to other forms of tooth replacement. However when you take into account that once fitted they’re virtually hassle-free and last on average 3-4 times as long as dentures, crowns or bridges, then they should be considered a shrewd investment in your long-term dental care.

So there you have it. Hopefully this has given you an insight into the world of dental implants and how they can help you. If you’d like to find out more about dental implants in Richmond and how a clinic like Sheen Dental can help you bring back that perfect smile, then we invite you to a free, no obligation consultation. To make a booking simply contact us on 020 8876 5277 or go through our website at