The Truth Behind 3 Popular Dental Myths

We’ve played a major role in the local community for over 25 years and during that we have filled lots of teeth and replaced hundreds of missing teeth with dental implants. In Richmondat Sheen Dental, we’re a clinic that is still surprised at the amount of dental myths we hear on a daily basis. Believing these myths could mean you are placing your oral health at risk and you may not be receiving the dental care that you need. So let’s take a look at 3 popular myths and the truth behind them.

Myth 1 – There’s no need to worry about a child’s baby teethDental Implants in Richmond

Although it’s a fact that children’s baby teeth will fall out to be replaced by permanent teeth, if they’re not cared for properly this can lead to all sorts of long term problems with their adult teeth. Misalignment, incorrect positioning of permanent teeth, and early orthodontic treatments are all problems associated with losing baby teeth way too early as a result of tooth decay. It’s vital that children learn how to care for their teeth from a tender age since this will get them into good habits for life which are essential to maintaining good oral hygiene and good overall health.


Myth 2 – There’s no need to see a dentist if you’re not experiencing problems with your teeth

Typically most dental issues aren’t visible in their early stages and it’s only when they have advanced that you are aware of any problems. A dentist can detect any early signs of a problem and a vital part of your dental health is to attend regular 6 month check-ups for an examination and clean of your teeth. This way any early signs can be treated before they need timely and costly advanced treatment.

Myth 3 – Brushing and flossing is best avoided if your gums are bleeding

Bleeding gums are an early sign of gum disease or gingivitis and should never be ignored. During this time you should continue to brush and floss gently since the cause of bleeding gums is poor oral hygiene. You could also try rinsing with a mouth wash that is intended for gums and gingivitis. If the bleeding gets worse or carries on being a problem, then you should make an appointment with your dentist.

If you’re struggling with your oral health and at the same time are toying with the idea of a dental implant in Richmond, then it’s important to know that this won’t mean you can’t ever have a dental implant but your oral health problems will need to be addressed first. We can help get your oral hygiene back on track and also discuss your dental options if you are missing teeth or in need of an extraction. Call us today on 020 8876 5277 or visit our website at for more information on all the treatments that we offer. We look forward to meeting you.