The Truth Behind A Missing Tooth

We’re forever banging on about the benefits of a dental implant in Richmond as a solution to a missing tooth. However, for some people missing a tooth may not seem such a big deal, and you’re certainly not alone if the gap is at the back of your mouth and you choose to ignore it. The thing is, aside from an aesthetic point of view, a missing tooth has many implications which you may not think about, or even know about, right now.

missing-teethHarder to clean your teeth – It can be difficult to clean a space between your teeth especially if it’s feeling a little tender. Particles of food can easily get trapped, flossing become more difficult, and brushing alone may not properly clean the area. This can lead to smelly breath, gum disease, and other dental issues.

Further tooth loss – This can happen for a number of reasons. Your remaining teeth will start to shift into the gaps where teeth are missing, making it harder to brush your teeth. This in turn can lead to gum disease and in more severe cases, tooth loss. If a person chooses to have a traditional bridge, then the adjacent teeth which the bridge is anchored to, have to be modified in order to place a crown on top of them. Not only does this damage otherwise healthy teeth but it also weakens them and can cause their eventual loss.

Discomfort – Chewing where there is just bare gum can be extremely uncomfortable. So much so that many people choose to avoid eating certain foods, or eat on the other side of their mouth. Not only is this inconvenient but it can cause nutritious deficiencies.

Altered face shape due to bone loss – When a tooth is lost the bone is no longer being stimulated and as a result it wastes away over time. If a person is missing several teeth then the facial structures lose their support from the jawbone and give way to a sunken, hollow look which is very ageing. This can still happen with a denture or bridge, since these devices do not prevent bone loss.

The truth is that with dental implants and retained dentures which are anchored securely into the jaw, the domino effect of tooth loss can be prevented. Implants are as strong as natural teeth and just as comfortable. They’ll also keep your gums healthy and help you avoid any further tooth loss.

Dental implants in Richmond are the best form of tooth replacement out there, so why not give us a call to see how dental implants can solve your dental problems. You can book a free implant consultation online at or phone us direct on 020 8876 5277. Dr. Harmit Kalsi and the team look forward to meeting you.