The Whys and Wherefores Of A Bone Graft

When it comes to preparing for a dental implant in Richmond some patients may find that they need to have some additional treatment. Here at Sheen Dental, Dr. Harmit Kalsi and his team specialise in helping patients benefit from long lasting restorations with a bone graft.

bone-graftWhat exactly is bone grafting?

Dental bone grafts are used to boost the volume of bone in the jaw and to strengthen it. There are a number of different types of bone graft which each target a different area of the bone structure, with the most common and effective being:

  • Socket preservation – sockets of extracted teeth are filled with bone graft material to prevent resorption into the jaw.
  • Sinus lifts – this is used to raise the height of the bone in the upper jaw.
  • Ridge expansion – This process uses a bone graft to improve the structure of the jaw in the area where the socket sits, also known as the bone ridge.

Why would a patient need a bone graft?

The jawbone is the foundation of the dental function and the appearance of the smile. Unfortunately, it’s also significantly affected by the condition of your oral health. For example, cavities, misaligned bites, and periodontal disease all have a negative impact on the health of the underlying jawbone. In addition, when a tooth is lost, bone resorption takes place almost immediately, causing the bone beneath the missing tooth to waste away because it’s no longer being used. Ultimately all of these conditions cause the jawbone to shrink and as it does so, there is insufficient support for the remaining teeth which may loosen and fall out.

Bone grafts are of particular benefit to patients looking to improve the appearance of their smile with dental implants in Richmond. Because the implant post is surgically placed into the jawbone, there needs to be a sufficient mass of healthy bone to support the post and the restoration. If a patient has insufficient jawbone then a bone graft is necessary prior to implant surgery, in order that their restoration stands the best chance of being successful and long lasting.

The materials used in a bone graft

Basically there are three types of bone graft material, and your dentist will decide which is best for your individual needs:

  1. Autogenous – This is usually the most favoured type of bone graft because the bone is taken from the patient themself and therefore contains their cells which helps promote new bone growth and prevents the risk of infection
  2. Allogenic – This is bone taken from a donor and because the cells are not active is usually used as a framework around which the patient’s own bone can grow
  3. Xenogenic – This is bone taken from a non-human, non living species such as bovine and is used in a similar way to an allogenic bone graft

As well as bone based materials, a successful alternative is synthetic material which is composed of biocompatible calcium phosphates

At Sheen Dental we specialise in outstanding patient dental care. If you’d like more information on bone grafts prior to getting a dental implant in Richmond then come and have a chat with us during a no-obligation free implant consultation. Call us today on 020 8876 5277 or contact us online at