Thinking Of Upgrading Your Dentures?

If you’re a Richmond resident who has lost all of their teeth and is currently wearing dentures as a form of teeth replacement option, then this post is for you. It’s a well known fact that dentures have many drawbacks.

dental-dentures-richmondDentures don’t feel or look natural and they can move around in your mouth causing sensitive gums and discomfort. They can also make it difficult to speak and eat. What’s more because an upper denture covers the whole of your palate, you’ve probably lost your sense of taste as well! In addition traditional dentures can actually accelerate bone loss which changes the shape of your jawbone and is the reason that dentures have to be constantly adjusted for fit.

Life can sometimes feel pretty miserable as a denture wearer but it needn’t be that way. Here at Sheen Dental we can use dental implants in Richmond to offer alternatives to that troublesome denture.

Fixed Bridge – This consists of several replacement crowns joined together and attached permanently to your gums using dental implants. This treatment is almost like getting a third set of teeth. No more removing dentures to clean them and no more fake gums. You’ll also get your sense of taste back again,

Bar retained implant retained dentures – If you’re not keen on the idea of a fixed bridge then you can instead have a removable denture which is anchored onto dental implants in your gums. A thin metal bar aligns with the curve of your jaw and the denture clips onto this using special attachments, to stop it from moving around and to make it feel more comfortable.

Ball retained implant retained dentures – This is similar to the above option only in this instance the implants have small studs or balls which protrude slightly from the gums. These then snap onto the special attachment points on the denture to offer a secure and comfortable fit.

Both fixed bridges and implant retained dentures have a high success rate here at Sheen Dental and our patients tell us that their lives have been transformed for the better.

If you’d like to learn more about how dental implants could help your individual case, then why not take advantage of our free implant consultation. You can book yours by calling us direct on 020 8876 5277 or alternatively contact us on line at We look forward to meeting you.