Tips to Enjoy A Cavity Free Holiday Break

Special days such as Christmas,Valentines, and Easter are times of the year that are about pleasure and spending quality time with the people you love. As we’re all aware they are also days that are filled with plenty of sugary treats and chocolates. We thought we’d put together a few tips to help make sure that on those special days you don’t get a gift that you didn’t bargain on – a cavity.

Dental Implants in RichmondAlthough a large part of our business is centred around providing dental implants in Richmond for people who have a missing tooth or teeth, as dentists it is also our main objective to help people retain their natural teeth for as long as possible. Cavities are permanent areas of damage to the hard surface of a tooth which develop into small holes. They can be caused by too much snacking, bacteria in the mouth, drinking sugary drinks and failing to clean your teeth properly. Untreated they can easily get larger and lead to gum disease and eventual tooth loss. You can help to protect your teeth against cavities and tooth loss with thorough brushing and flossing carried out on a daily basis as well as regular visits to the dentist. However, since most of over indulge on special days of the year

such as Christmas and Valentines Day, it could pay you to heed the following tips:

  • Drink sugary drinks with a straw – Many of the popular flavoured coffees, hot chocolates, and fizzy drinks are high in sugar so to avoid cavities try drinking them through a straw.
  • Snack wisely – We understand that this is especially hard on days where gifts include chocolates and other sweets but if you have the option try and choose healthy snacks such as fruit, vegetables, and cheese and try to steer clear of sweet sticky treats that can adhere to your teeth. If you can’t avoid temptation then make sure you brush your teeth afterwards.
  • Flossing – After munching away happily on an assortments of chocolates, sweets and nuts, remember that particles of food can easily get between your teeth. Flossing on a regular basis at least once a day will help to prevent cavities and gum disease.
  • Regular dental checks – As mentioned earlier, it’s very important to schedule regular six monthly dental checks with your dentist. They can spot problems which you may not be able to see or feel, as well as detect cavities and tooth decay. Early detection means less time spent at the dentist and less costly dental treatment.

If you’ve got a damaged tooth or are facing extraction through tooth decay, then a dental implant in Richmond may be the answer. Why not give us a call on 020 8876 5277 to book a free no-obligation consultation where you can meet the dental team, discuss the procedure and view our dental facilities. Alternatively you can find out more information by visiting our website at