Transform Your Smile With Dental Implants

While missing teeth certainly isn’t an ideal situation, it’s not uncommon as even with proper dental care teeth can unfortunately be lost due to a sustained injury or accident. The good news is that you don’t have to put up with missing teeth as help is at hand in the form of dental implants. In Richmond, for example, here at Sheen Dental, we’ve been successfully fitting dental implants for decades and for the vast majority of patients, it’s transformed them from a person who might have in the past avoided social contact for fear of embarrassment to one who is no longer afraid to smile.

With this in mind, let’s take a closer look at the social benefits dental implants can bring…

dental implants in RichmondThere’s no getting away from the fact that a great smile can be an attractive feature to many people. What’s more, it’s usually indicative of a healthy mouth and would signal another that the ‘smile wearer’ is a person who takes a pride in not only their appearance, but also in everything that they do.

This may seem a little far fetched, but like it or not, a great smile has the ability to open many doors both socially and professionally.

Often a person with a great looking smile emits an aura of confidence that many people with poor or problem teeth often don’t have. Instead many tend to hide their smile and this can sometimes be wrongly misconstrued as a sign of mistrust. In extreme circumstances a person might withdraw from engaging socially at all, thus extinguishing any self confidence they might have had.

So how can dental implants help me?

In the main they have the ability to give you back that attractive smile you once had. As a natural and incredibly life-like product it’s often hard for anyone to tell the difference between implants and natural teeth. Not only this, they fill in all the gaps and give a fuller looking face which in many cases can make you appear years younger. All of this brings back much of the confidence and self esteem which might have been missing for a long period of time. The end results can be a total overall transformation and a brand new you.

If you’ve been seriously considering dental implants in Richmond as a way to bring back your fantastic smile, your self-esteem and your confidence, then contact Sheen dental for a free, no obligation consultation. Call 020 8876 5277 and talk to our friendly and supportive team today or visit our website at for more information.