Understanding Your Dental Implant Options

Thanks to continued advancements in dental technology patients seeking dental implants in Richmond as a modern restorative option for replacing missing or damaged teeth have a number of implant treatments available to them. However, with so many options available it can be a little confusing when it comes to deciding which works best for you. We thought we’d take a look at some of the options that are available at most dental clinics to shed some light and offer guidance when selecting dental implants for your dental needs.

  • Single dental implant – This is the basic dental implant option which is usually recommended for a patient who is missing just one tooth, either as a result of decay, trauma,

dental-implants-richmondinfection, or other damage. In these instances the adjacent teeth are healthy which makes an implant the ideal solution because it doesn’t need the support of adjacent teeth to secure it into the mouth.

  • Multiple unit dental implants – If patients are missing a series of say two or three teeth then multiple unit dental implants can restore the look and functionality of the missing teeth. In cases like this, two to four implants can be used to support a partial denture or bridge. In cases where more teeth are missing, then up to eight implants can be used to support a full arch of teeth. One common treatment for utilising multiple unit dental implants is the All On 4 treatment which uses just 4 implants to support a full arch restoration.
  • Implant supported dentures – For those people who are currently wearing dentures but struggling to keep them in place, then as few as 4 strategically placed implants can be used to secure the dentures firmly into the mouth. The dentures snap on and off the implants for easy cleaning, using special connectors which fit to the underside of the dentures and snap into place on top of the implants.
  • Hybrid dentures – This as another treatment recommended for patients missing multiple teeth or all of their teeth and is in essence a cross between a multi unit dental implant and an implant supported denture. Although it’s connected to the patients dentition using dental implants, it’s less bulky than implant supported dentures because rather than covering the entire palate this type of restoration replaces just the teeth and is permanently attached to the dentition.
  • Immediate load dental implants – Getting a dental implant in Richmond can be a lengthy process because of the time involved in healing, and because on occasions a patient may need additional treatments such as a bone graft, prior to placement of the implants. On occasions, depending on the condition of the mouth and amount of jawbone available, patients may be able to opt for immediate load dental implants and avoid lengthy treatment. This means a tooth is extracted and restored the same day with a dental implant.

At Sheen Dental we’re committed to helping patients find just the right solution to restore their smile. Why not come and speak with us during a free implant consultation and we can discuss each procedure in more detail and recommend what is best for your individual needs. Call us today on 020 8876 5277 to make an appointment or book online at www.sheendentalimplants.co.uk. We look forward to meeting you.