Unhappy with your dentures?

There is a possibility that you’re unhappy with your dentures and would like to try other treatments. It may be that food tastes different when wearing dentures, or that they feel uncomfortable and bulky in your mouth. Modern day dentures have improved a lot over the years, becoming more user friendly, comfortable and natural looking than ever before. Over time, bone in the jaw is decreased due to the teeth that are missing. This loss of bone can cause initially comfortable dentures to loosen and move around in the mouth.

dentures-in-richmondOne way to resolve this problem is with implant-retained dentures. Sheen Dental Implants offer implant-retained dentures in Richmond to patients suffering with the problems associated with ill-fitting dentures.

What are implant retained-dentures?

Implant-retained dentures are a full set of dentures that are attached to dental implants. The implants are fixed into the jawbone via the gum and act as artificial tooth roots. The usual problems associated with dentures, such as rubbing on the gums and falling out of the mouth are resolved with implant-retained dentures. Richmond clinic Sheen Dental Implants, say that although the patient can remove the dentures in order to clean them, it’s not necessary to take them out when sleeping.

Reasons to choose implant-retained dentures

As the implant is fixed into the jawbone just like a natural tooth root, it’s strong and stable in the mouth and acts as an excellent foundation for an artificial replacement tooth. The dentures will not rub on the gums causing discomfort and pain as they are totally fixed to the dental implants, this also means that the dentures cannot come loose when talking, laughing or eating. Another great reason to get implant-retained dentures in Richmond is that they can help you to look younger. This is because the dental implants continue to stimulate the bone in the jawbone, meaning that the chance of bone recession is reduced and ensures that you will not have sallow, sunken cheeks.

To find out more about implant-retained dentures in Richmond, or alternative ways to replace missing teeth, please contact Sheen Dental Implants.