Weighing Up The Pros And Cons Of Dental Implants

Let’s face it, opting for dental implants in Richmond, or indeed anywhere else in the country should never be a decision that’s taken likely. As with all dental procedures it’s important to understand the pros and cons of implants in order to know what’s best for you. While a highly experienced dentist will be only to happy to explain the various kinds of treatments in detail, we thought it would be a good idea to quickly summarise these points so that you’re better informed. Let’s take a look.

Firstly the benefits…

Improved overall health

dental implants in Richmond

As dental implants are secured directly into the jawbone they don’t rely on the support of other teeth as a standard bridge does. This means that otherwise healthy teeth are left intact. They also allow you to eat many healthy foods which standard denture wearers often find difficult to chew such as lean meats, raw fruit, and nuts. Finally implants allow easier access between teeth so oral hygiene is made easier.

A natural look

Dental implants are designed specifically to look and feel just like your normal teeth, so when you smile it looks totally natural Aside from giving you a fuller mouth, dental implants also have the ability to halt bone loss which naturally occurs after a tooth is lost. All of these things combine to give you a younger looking appearance.

Renewed confidence

So many people with missing teeth withdraw from social situations because they’re embarrassed about the way that they look. Dental implants can restore that missing smile, bringing back your confidence and indeed some much needed self-esteem.


If taken care of, dental implants have been proven to last forty years or more. When you compare it to the shelf life of dentures (7-10 years) then once in place, they’re a hassle-free, long-term replacement for missing teeth.


Finally, dental implants give you options. Although they plug gaps where missing teeth once were, they’re also designed to take different types of restorations which attach themselves to the implant. This could be dentures, crowns, or bridges all of which have been proven to work extremely well.

Okay so now for the cons…


Because of a number of factors involved in the whole concept of dental implants, initially, it’s going to be more expensive than any other dental option, so this is something patients will have to consider.

Involves surgical procedures

Whether you undergo treatment for a dental implant in Richmond, or anywhere else in the country it involves at least one surgical procedure. In many occasions a patient looking to have implants will also have a lack of bone. However for the implant to stand any chance of success, sufficient bone is needed to place the implant into. For this reason a patient might also have to undergo bone augmentation before any implants can be fitted.

Lengthy process

Unlike dentures and bridges which can be fitted in a day, dental implants are fitted in stages. This can take anywhere between 3-9 months. Normally this is taken up with consultations, surgery recovery times and check-up’s.

At Sheen Dental we’ve got extensive experience in fitting dental implants in Richmond and for the vast majority of our patients, the benefits of undergoing implant treatment far outweighs the drawbacks. If you’d like to find out more about the process, then visit our website at www.sheendentalimplants.co.uk or alternatively why not contact us on 020 8876 5277 and book yourself a free, no obligation consultation with Dr Harmit Kalsi and the team. Here you can get all your questions and concerns answered, so that you’re armed with everything you need to make a fully informed dental decision.