What About Dental Implants For Children?

You’ve probably heard that dental implants in Richmond and indeed anywhere else in the country can solve tooth problems for just about anyone at any age, but what about children? Clearly all children lose teeth at some point to make way for their adult teeth, but what happens if they suffer an accident or are born with missing teeth, can a child have dental implants?

dental implants in RichmondIn an ideal world dental implants would be the perfect solution for every case as they’re incredibly long lasting, hassle free, and life like. However there’s one thing that they do need to ensure that they last for many years to come and that’s a healthy mature bone. Unfortunately when it comes to children under the age of 18 their bones are still growing, so even if the jaw bone is healthy it’s still moving as it grows and may therefore undermine any dental implants that are placed in the years leading up to adulthood.

There’s a strong chance that dental implants will be recommended possibly when he/she stops growing. (In girls this is normally around 16 and in boys it’s around 18-19). However in the interim it’s equally important for the missing gap/s to be plugged by a temporary tooth/teeth until such times as a dental implant in Richmond is fitted. This is done to help maintain the space and prevent drifting, as teeth have a tendency to drift towards the empty gap when there’s a space. It’s also to prevent any speech problems or dietary/eating problems when chewing food. It’s not uncommon for a missing tooth to have a big impact on a child’s self-esteem and for these reasons a gap should always be filled.

As soon as the child is deemed old enough, and the bone tissue has stopped growing, then the dentist in question can go ahead with the permanent dental implant which if looked after, can last for many years to come.

If your child is suffering from missing teeth it’s never too late to start planning for the future. For this reason we urge you to contact Dr Harmit Kalsi and the team at Sheen Dental. We’ve been placing dental implants in Richmond for many years and as a result have the experience and the skills to take care of all your child’s dental needs. Why not contact us for a free, no-obligation consultation where we can access the situation first hand and develop a plan of action moving forwards. To make an appointment you can either book via our website at www.sheendentalimplants.co.uk or alternatively you can contact us directly on 020 8876 5277. Don’t let your child suffer with missing teeth, instead take action today.