What Are The Advantages Of Implant Retained Dentures?

Many denture wearers are unhappy with their dentures for the simple fact that they move around a lot making it a challenge to keep them in place in order to carry out functions that most of take for granted, such as speaking and eating. For many denture wearers the embarrassment of their dentures sliding around or even falling out in public is enough to make them withdraw from social circles.

dental implants in RichmondUnfortunately what many people don’t realise is that when teeth are lost, the body begins to resorb the bone where the tooth once was, since it thinks it is no longer needed. Dentures are a good way of replacing missing teeth, but they don’t address the problem of bone loss. Consequently snug fitting dentures start to move around as the jaw shape changes due to bone loss and this is when problems for the denture wearer kick in. It needn’t be this way. Dentures can be made more secure using dental implants. In Richmond here at Sheen Dental we can use as few as 2-6 implants placed in the jaw to help stabilise your dentures.


How it works

During a short surgery, 2 to 6 titanium implants will be placed at strategic points in the jaw and left to fuse naturally with the surrounding bone. Once this has taken place the implants become a fixture in the jaw which functions in a similar way to a tooth root, promoting healthy bone growth and preventing bone loss from occurring.

A patient’s dentures are placed on the implants once they are fully integrated using special fixtures. The dentures can be easily removed for cleaning and just as easily snapped back into place again. If preferred, the dentures can be permanently attached to the implants.

The advantages of implant dentures are predominantly that they are far more secure in the mouth and that bone loss is halted. They also tend to function better than conventional dentures since the implants are able to withstand greater pressure from chewing forces. For many patients it means that they can enjoy a more varied and healthy diet which includes things like crunchy fruit and vegetables, nuts and lean meat.

Implant retained dentures also feel more comfortable and many of our patients tell us that they feel almost like their natural teeth. This gives them the confidence to smile more and they can get on with their lives without worrying about what their teeth are doing. It also means fewer visits to the dentist to have their dentures adjusted or relined.

Implant retained dentures may be far more affordable than you think and here at Sheen Dental we offer a variety of payment options to help, including finance. If you’d like to know more about implant retained dentures or are considering getting a dental implant in Richmond, then why not contact us today on 020 8876 5277and book a free consultation. Alternatively you can visit our website at www.sheendentalimplants.co.uk/ for more information.