What Are The Stages Of The Dental Implant Process?

Unlike other forms of missing teeth replacement, one thing to note is that whether you’re opting for dental implants in Richmond, or anywhere else in the country, they aren’t a quick fix solution. By this we mean that you can’t walk in to the dentist on day one with missing teeth and walk out the end of that same day with fully functioning dental implants. Instead, to ensure strength, durability, and above all longevity of the implants, the process needs to be carried out in stages lasting anywhere between 4 and 9 months. So what are these stages? Let’s take a closer look.


dental-implants-in-richmond1The consultation stage involves diagnosis and treatment planning. This is so that the patient knows exactly what needs to be done and in what time frame


This is the point where the titanium implants are placed into position within the jaw bone. The surgery itself is relatively quick and is usually pain free.

Healing period

Once the dental implants in Richmond are placed, a period of healing is needed so that the bone tissue can merge and fuse with the implant. This is a process known as osseointegration and is what creates the strong platform where a dental crown can then be placed. During the healing (bone growth) period most people are free to carry out their normal daily lives as temporary crowns are fitted, but the process can take anywhere between 6 weeks to 6 months to complete depending upon the individual.

Abutment and crown fitting

Once the dentist is happy that the bone has integrated with the dental implant then the temporary crowns are removed, the implant is then uncovered, and an abutment fitted. This is the connecting part which joins the implant to the crown and also acts as a shock absorber which protects the implant when you bite down. Finally the permanent crown is fitted. Some dentists will fit the crown at the same time, while others prefer to wait a few days or weeks before it’s placed.

Ongoing check-ups

Finally after the process is completed the patient will need to attend regular and frequent check-ups, especially in the first few months to make sure that there are no problems or issues. This is an essential step in the process because bacteria can dramatically affect a newly placed implant’s chances of success, so the dentist needs to ensure that a patient’s mouth remains healthy.

If you’d like to find out more about undergoing treatment for dental implants in Richmond or have any questions or concerns you’d like answered, then why not book yourself a free, no-obligation consultation with Dr Harmit Kalsi and the team. To make an appointment either visit our website at www.sheendentalimplants.co.uk or contact us directly on 020 8876 5277. On behalf of Sheen Dental we look forward to helping you restore your great looking smile.