What Can I Eat To Keep My Teeth Looking And Feeling Healthy

Here at Sheen Dental we’ve discussed in previous blog posts the importance of how looking after your new dental implants in Richmond is a long term commitment and one that will define the life of your implants. However if you also want to keep your remaining teeth and gums healthy, then you need to know what you should and shouldn’t be eating. In fact, following a correct diet for good oral health is one way to do just this. Let’s take a closer look.

Fruit and vegetables

dental implants in RichmondYou probably already know that fresh fruit and vegetables should be part of a healthy balanced diet, but what you might not know is that they can be both good and bad for your teeth. Foods such as apples, pears, and carrots have a higher water content than some fruits and as such have the ability to counter balance the natural vitamin C contained within. Crunchy fruit and vegetables also requires the individual to chew harder which in turn creates more saliva that also helps to eradicate any excess vitamin C which can cause tooth enamel destruction.


Phosphorus for enamel protection

Phosphorous rich foodstuffs are also another great way to help protect tooth enamel and these can be found in lean beef, most poultry, and eggs.


You might already know that drinking water has many natural health benefits but when it comes to your teeth then water straight from the tap is considered to be better. The reason is that unlike bottled waters, the tap variety contains natural fluorides that help to strengthen gums.

Dairy products

Most dairy products such as milk, cheese, and natural yoghurt are rich in calcium. Calcium is good for bone growth and helps to maintain strong teeth.

Sugar-free products

There’s no getting away from the fat that too much sugary food is bad for our teeth. For this reason you might want to opt for sugar-free foods. If you take a close look in the supermarkets, you can buy many products that are now sugar-free such as jams, cordials, jelly and biscuits such as cookies, so try if you can to opt for these. A word of warning… some natural sugars such as fructose, barley malt and even honey can be just as damaging for your teeth, so even though it’s sugar-free, try to eat these in moderation.

If you would like to find out more about how to look after your remaining healthy teeth after undergoing treatment for dental implants in Richmond then come and speak to us here at Sheen Dental. We’ve been fitting implants with great success for many years and have dealt with thousands of patients. Check out our website for more details at www.sheendentalimplants.co.uk, or alternatively if you would like to speak to us in person about your dental options, contact us on 020 8876 5277 and book yourself a free, no obligation consultation today.