What Contributes To The Long Standing Success Of Dental Implants?

It’s fair to say that dental implants don’t come cheap and as such it makes sense that any patient would want to protect their investment by maximising the longevity of their new devices. Before getting dental implants in Richmond or anywhere in the country for that matter, it’s important that patients are completely aware of the factors which help the long term success of a dental implant such as sufficient bone at the implant site, good oral health, ongoing maintenance, the expertise of the oral surgeon, and more besides.

dental implants in RichmondOne of the very first stages of the implant procedure is determining whether the patient has enough bone in the place where the implant will be placed to support the process of osseointegration. It’s this biological process where the titanium implant forms a bond with the surrounding bone that is crucial if the implant is to remain stable. If there’s not enough bone then the surgeon may be able to give this a boost with a bone graft prior to placing the implant.

For the very best chances of dental implant success it’s also very important for the patient to choose an experienced oral surgeon who has carried out many successful implants. Dr. Harmit Kalsi is one of only a handful of dentists who has been awarded a diploma in implantology from the Royal College of Surgeons of England and his area of practice is focused on dental implants and other cosmetic treatments. He has also taught undergraduate dental students at Guys hospital. Dr. Kalsi has placed thousands of dental implants in patients missing single teeth as well as those missing multiple or all of their teeth, so you can be sure that you’re in safe hands.

The patient also has a large part to play in the care of their dental implants and it’s vital that they carry out all post operative instructions and moving forwards that they maintain a good level of oral hygiene and attend regular check ups and cleanings with their dentist. Gum disease can seriously compromise the health of a dental implant, weakening the bone and causing the implant to fall out.

If you’re interested in finding out more about getting a dental implant in Richmond and whether you’re a suitable candidate then why not give Sheen dental a call today on 020 8876 5277. We offer a free no-obligation consultation which gives you a chance of meeting the dental team, getting all of your concerns answered, and having a look at our state-of-the-art facilities. Alternatively you may like to visit our website at www.sheendentalimplants.co.uk/ where you’ll find a wealth of information on all our dental treatments including dental implants.