What Happens Immediately After A Tooth Is Lost?

Many people opt for dental implants in Richmond because they’ve experienced tooth loss. The problem is that if a tooth isn’t replaced by a dental implant relatively quickly, it can start off a chain of events that can cause further tooth loss. Let’s explain…

Right away

dental implant in RichmondAs soon as the tooth is lost (and we’re talking right away) the bone tissue that once supported the tooth root is no longer stimulated. As a result it slowly begins to diminish. The only way that this can be described is a bit like a retired body-builder who no longer works out. As soon as they stop pumping iron their muscles over time become far less defined because they’re no longer being used to the degree that they once were. In the case of our teeth, the surrounding bone tissue that once supported the missing tooth root becomes redundant and as such begins to whither away.

Over the next few months

As the tooth is missing any nearby teeth (both neighbouring and opposing) start to slowly gravitate towards the empty space. This can cause several problems. Firstly as the healthy teeth begin to move and twist, food particles can easily become lodged or trapped in the spaces between. When this happens normal brushing might not be able to totally remove these particles. If left, then they can turn into plaque which will eventually cause gum disease, meaning further problems to otherwise healthy teeth.

Secondly as gravitating teeth become misaligned from their opposing teeth a person may well experience an abnormal bite pattern. When this happens abnormal bite forces can occur, placing excess stress on otherwise healthy teeth.

Older looks

As the jaw bone begins to diminish further and more teeth become problematic, then they might need to be extracted. A lack of teeth and a changing jaw line often gives the appearance of someone looking a lot older than their years. Add to this the fact that some people withdraw from social activities because they feel embarrassed about the state or lack of teeth. This coupled with sudden ageing is often enough to strip them of their confidence completely.

Although missing teeth are relatively common, the good news is that you don’t have to suffer the indignity of further tooth and bone loss if you tackle it early. By undergoing dental implants in Richmond, or indeed anywhere else in the country it’s possible to not only receive natural looking teeth that can give you the appearance of a fuller mouth, but in addition, an implant has the ability to halt the bone loss process once and for all, thus saving the rest of your healthy teeth.

If you want to know more, then why not contact Sheen Dental today on 020 8876 5277 or visit our website at www.sheendentalimplants.co.uk today.