What Part Does The Abutment Play In Dental Implants?

We’ve written a lot of dental blogs focused on the dental implant procedure itself. However, it wasn’t until a patient asked us the other day what the role of the abutment is when getting dental implants in Richmond, that we thought it would be a good idea to give this small but important part of a dental implant, a blog post all of its own.

dental-implants-richmondMore about the dental implant

Technically speaking, the dental implant is the titanium post which is fitted into the jaw bone in order to form a secure platform on which to place the replacement tooth. However, the crown which often completes the process, isn’t placed directly onto the implant post itself, but rather on a small device which is attached to the titanium implant. This device is known as the abutment.

The abutment

Because the dental implant is placed just below the gumline, it isn’t possible to place a crown directly on to it, and even if we were able to do so, then its strength would most probably be compromised. This is where the abutment plays its part.

Typically the abutment is made from titanium too, although it is possible to use zirconia, which is a type of ceramic material, or surgical stainless steel. Cylindrical in shape, it’s attached to the dental implant and serves as the base onto which the dental crown can be positioned. In a way it can be likened to having a tooth prepared to fit a crown.

The crown is attached to the abutment using dental cement, resulting in a very strong replacement tooth. As with natural teeth, it’s important to care for your implant, abutment, and crown with thorough brushing and flossing on a daily basis. This will reduce the chance of gum disease occurring which could threaten the health of the implant if it became severe.

With regular follow-up checks and advice from the team at Sheen Dental, there’s no reason why you shouldn’t enjoy all the benefits that a dental implant in Richmond gives, for at least 25 years, if not longer.

If you’d like to know more about receiving dental implants in Richmond, or indeed find out whether you’re a suitable candidate, then we invite you to attend a free implant consultation where you can meet Dr. Harmit Kalsi and the team, take a tour of our facilities, and get all of your questions asked. If you’re interested then please call us on 020 8876 5277 or book online at www.sheendentalimplants.co.uk.