What Problems Are Avoided With Dental Implants?

When you lose a tooth you may think it’s no big deal but you’d be very wrong. Oral consequences start to happen right away ranging from bone loss to shifting teeth. All dentists agree that tooth loss is bad for your oral and medical health, and needs to be addressed as quickly as possible. Let’s take a look at the problems that can be avoided by getting a dental implant in Richmond.

dental-implantsShifting teeth

You know how when you take a book out of a bookcase and all the other books topple over into the space, well that’s exactly the same in principle as happens with your teeth. Shifting teeth can lead to misalignments, turning what was once a straight even smile into a crooked smile. By getting a dental implant right away, you can prevent this from happening and save yourself a heap of trouble.

Gum disease and tooth decay

When your teeth move out of alignment it becomes harder to reach certain areas to clean them with your toothbrush and floss. If food particles and plaque aren’t removed tooth decay and periodontal disease can occur, which may lead to further tooth loss.

Bone loss

You’ve probably noticed that older people in general who have lost many of their teeth have a sunken look to their faces, with thinning lips and hollow cheekbones, often making them appear far older than they really are. This is because bone loss begins to happen causing the jaw to degenerate and offering less support to other facial structures such as the lips. It’s important to note that this bone loss also occurs very quickly in the first 6 months following tooth loss so it’s important to address the issue of missing teeth fast.

How dental implants work

Dental implants consist of a screw like titanium post which is surgically placed into the jawbone where the missing tooth once was. Because titanium is biocompatible it means that the surrounding bone and soft tissues will eventually bond with the implant to create a stable and strong platform which can then support a prosthetic dental crown, bridge or denture. The implant mimics the actions of a tooth root and stimulates the bone and soft tissue to promote healthy bone growth and puts a halt to bone loss. Other dental devices such as traditional bridges and dentures, replace a person’s missing teeth but fail to prevent bone loss.

Whatever your need for dental implants in Richmond you can be assured that your investment will prevent a host of future dental problems occurring, which in the long run will also save you money and time spent in the dentist’s chair.

To find out more about getting a dental implant why not take advantage of our free implant consultation where you can meet Dr. Harmit Kalsi and the team and get your questions answered. Call us today on 020 8876 5277 or contact us online at www.sheendentalimplants.co.uk and take the first step to restoring your smile.