What Type Of Patient Is Best Suited to Dental Implants?

Dental implants in Richmond have grown hugely in popularity with many patients choosing them as their preferred treatment for the replacement of one or more missing teeth. They’re secured in the mouth using titanium posts so that the restorations attached feel just like natural teeth with no risk of them slipping or moving around like conventional dentures.

dental implants in RichmondRichmond based Dr. Harmit Kalsi has been fitting implants into the mouths of Richmond patients for many years, but if you’re just considering the treatment, how do you know if you’re a suitable candidate?

Who is likely to be suited to dental implants?

If you’re in good health and have lost one or more teeth through tooth decay or injury, then there’s every chance that you would make a good candidate for dental implants. However there are some signs that Dr. Kalsi will check for to confirm whether or not this is the case.

  • Healthy mouth and gums – For your implants to stand the best chance of success they need to be placed into a healthy mouth. If you’re suffering from gingivitis or advanced gum disease then you are laying yourself open to even more dental problems with the likelihood that your dental implants will be rejected. This doesn’t mean that you can’t have dental implants but Dr. Kalsi will insist that your gum disease is treated first and your mouth and gums restored to a healthy condition before going ahead with the treatment.
  • Strong jawbone – Your dental implants will be implanted into your jawbone so it’s absolutely vital that your bone is strong enough to support the implants and to be able to fuse with the implants in a process known as osseointegration. If you have a delicate or thin jawbone then it doesn’t necessarily prevent you from getting a dental implant in Richmond, but Dr. Kalsi may suggest that you undergo a bone graft first to increase the density of the bone, and strengthen the bone structure, before getting implants placed.
  • Non-smoker – Typically most dentists will recommend that you quit smoking whatever the reason, but it is especially important to do so if you’re considering dental implants. Tobacco smoke is known to irritate the soft gum tissue and can affect the healing process whereas smoking itself can deprive the bloodstream of the amount of oxygen that it needs which may prevent osseointegration from taking place altogether. As a result infection may set in and your body is likely to reject the implants. If you do smoke, Dr. Kalsi is likely to ask you to stop for at least six weeks before the treatment and for the duration of the treatment.

Dental implants are a fantastic choice to improve the appearance and health of your smile, provided you are the right candidate. Only a qualified and knowledgeable dental expert can carry out a thorough assessment and determine whether dental implants are a good fit for you. If you’d like to find out whether you’re a suitable candidate for dental implants in Richmond then why not book a free implant consultation by calling 020 8876 5277 or book online at www.sheendentalimplants.co.uk.