What’s The Lifespan Of Dental Implants?

If you’ve been researching dental implants in Richmond or anywhere in the UK for that matter, you may have come across some dentists proclaiming that dental implants will last a lifetime. Well, we hate to put a dampener on such claims, but quite honestly that sort of statement prompts us to ask “Whose lifetime are we talking about here? The dentist, the implant or the patient?” and secondly, “Who in their right minds is going to guarantee a dental implant for that length of time?”

It’s all well and good handing out promises of longevity but without being prepared for any problems and not having a back-up plan in place, then these promises aren’t really worth much.

We’ve been fitting dental implants for many years and in order to ensure that our dental implants last as long as possible, this is what we do:

dental implants in RichmondCome clean

  • We’re honest with our patients and tell them that dental implants can fail both in the short and long term
  • We remain up-to-date with all the latest studies giving evidence of possible causes for implant failure and best avoidance strategies

Clearly defined follow up programme

  • Patients are given appointments to see the hygienist on a regular basis
  • Six monthly check-ups for thorough inspection of teeth and implant/s
  • Our hygienists are also trained to look out for the early signs of peri-implantitis which can cause the failure of implants

Imparting the right information

  • Peri-implantitis if not detected, or even looked for, leads to implant failure
  • According to recent studies fifteen percent of implant patients will suffer from some form of peri-implantitis
  • A patient who hast lost their teeth as a result of gum disease is more at risk of losing their implants
  • Patients who fail to keep plaque off their implants are also at a higher risk of implant failure
  • Smokers have a higher risk of developing peri-implantitis and of implant failure
  • Peri-implantitis doesn’t hurt so a patient may be unaware they have it until their implant tooth falls out

The good news

It’s not all doom and gloom. We can and do detect any problems thanks to regular screening procedures. Problems detected early on can often be treated successfully and even problems detected in the later stages can still be treated, although the process is more complex.

Look after your implants as you do your teeth and that means keeping them clean, turning up for regular dental appointments, stop smoking. Remember maintenance is key since dental implants are not a fit and forget treatment.

If you’re looking to get a dental implant in Richmond then contact Sheen Dental. We offer a complimentary consultation where you can get your questions answered and meet the team, and that can be booked by calling 020 8876 5277 or take a look at our website at www.sheendentalimplants.co.uk for more information.