What’s The Link Between Smoking And Dental Implant Failure?

If you’re about to undergo surgery of any kind then there are always certain risk factors which can be very dangerous for your health and which can potentially affect the success of your treatment. One particular factor that should be avoided as much as can be, and particularly if you are facing oral surgery is smoking. When a patient has dental implants in Richmond or anywhere in the country, then it’s essential both for the surgery and the healing period that the gums and underlying tissues are as healthy as possible. Refraining from smoking is therefore necessary for at least part of the dental implant procedure.

What is meant by dental implant failure?

dental implants in RichmondDental implants are particularly effective as a long term tooth replacement treatment because similar to natural teeth they integrate with the gum and bone tissue. This gives them stability and helps them feel and function in the same way as natural teeth. When an implant is placed in the jaw bone it requires a length of time for the implant to fuse biologically with the bone in a process known as osseointegration. During this period it’s extremely important that the jaw and mouth are kept free from disease and healthy.

If an infection should occur it is likely to impact the healing process and prevent osseointegration from happening properly, or even happening at all. This type of infection is referred to as peri-implantitis and not only threatens your new implants but the your overall dental health too.

Smoking and peri-implantitis

The reason for smoking being bad to your dental health is mainly the same reason that it can impede on the success of the dental implant. Essentially smoking reduces the effectiveness of a person’s immune system and encourages the spread of gum disease. Either one or both of these risks are the main causes of peri-implantitis.

Following oral surgery any risk of infection can usually be avoided by taking rest and following the post operative instructions given to you by your surgeon. If caught early any inflammation or infection can often be treated with antibiotics and professional care and doesn’t necessarily result in implant failure. However if the patient were to smoke throughout the treatment process the severity and risks of infections are greatly increased. Even if infection is detected and treated with antibiotics, the tobacco use is likely to make to make any medication less effective.

Gum disease also poses a risk to dental implants which again is increased by smoking. Gum disease is when the gums become inflamed and results in tender gums and a receding gum line, pockets of infection, and teeth which are increasingly exposed. Gum tissue needs to heal around a newly placed implant and if disease is present it can prevent the healing. If this is not treated it can spread to hard and soft tissues. Infection of the bone tissue from gum disease can progress into a condition known as periodontitis which can result in the gradual loss of bone and the likelihood of tooth loss.

Smoking Cessation

Should you decide to visit your dentist with regards to getting a dental implant in Richmond, he will discuss the perils of smoking when facing oral surgery and will talk with you about ceasing smoking prior to the surgery and immediately following surgery. Naturally the longer you can refrain from smoking the greater your chances of implant success and the recovery period is likely to be shorter and easier too.

To improve your chances of success it’s best to consult a dentist who has a wealth of experience and knowledge of dental implants as does Sheen Dental’s Dr. Harmit Kalsi. We offer a complimentary consultation where we can discuss your dental goals and help you on your way to a healthy smile. Call us today on 020 8876 5277 to make an appointment or visit our website at www.sheendentalimplants.co.uk/ for further information.