When Do I Need Dental Implants?

Over the past decade there’s one type of tooth replacement that’s been growing in popularity and that’s dental implants. In Richmond for example, here at Sheen Dental we’ve seen a huge uptake in patients deciding to opt for dental implants.
Dental Implants

One of the main reasons for this is that the problems surrounding tooth loss simply won’t go away unless you take care of them permanently. The only way to do this is through dental implant surgery. In order to explain just how dental implants can help, let’s see what happens when just one tooth gees missing.


Tooth migration

When a tooth is no longer there it causes the surrounding teeth to gradually move or migrate towards the gap. As they move, tilt, and twist, aside from looking unsightly, it can make cleaning them more difficult, leading to further oral problems.

Partner teeth

The next teeth to be affected are the so called ‘partner’ teeth. These are the teeth that sit on the opposing jaw and are normally the ones that bite down onto the missing tooth. Because there’s nothing to press against it when the mouth closes it is no longer stimulated and can cause that tooth to move and twist, again making it difficult to clean and maintain good oral hygiene.

Other teeth

Finally as nearby teeth begin to succumb to bite problems it can cause the tooth roots to weaken making them susceptible to gum problems and also bone loss. This occurs when the body naturally begins absorbing the bone tissue that once held the tooth roots in place. This continues until the entire mouth is affected. Gradually over a period of time, one missing tooth becomes a problem for all your teeth.

So when should you do something about it?

Firstly it’s worth pointing out that standard bridges and dentures although forms of tooth replacement won’t stop bone reabsorption. This is why dentures need to be frequently adjusted and changed every 7-10 years. However, because dental implants fix directly into the jaw they are able to stop bone resorption as well as plugging any tooth gaps. That said whether you opt for dental implants in Richmond, or indeed anywhere else in the country, speed is of the essence. Why? Because the longer you wait, the more complicated and costly the treatment is likely to be. Ideally then, knowing what you now know, as soon as you experience tooth loss, you should think about dental implant treatment, because if you’re living with tooth loss, it isn’t going to get any better.

If you’re thinking about getting a dental implant then why not contact Sheen Dental on 020 8876 5277 and book yourself a free, no obligation consultation where you can discuss your dental options in detail. Alternatively why not check out our website at www.sheendentalimplants.co.uk where you can find a wealth of information about dental implants in Richmond and how they can help you.