When It May Be Best To Delay Having Dental implants

Here at Sheen Dental we firmly believe that having a dental implant in Richmond is the best method of replacing a missing tooth, and indeed many of our patients have said that they’re so glad they made the decision to go ahead with dental implants. Having said this, however, there are a few reasons why it may be best to delay getting dental implants to ensure a better outcome in the long term. One of the most commonly recognised reasons for delaying a dental implant is in a situation where a patient does not have sufficient bone in which to place the implant. In cases such as these we would carry out a bone graft or sinus lift wherever possible, so that a secure implant placement can go ahead at a later date.

dental-implants-richmondThere are a couple of other reasons, too, where it is often advisable for patients to delay having a dental implant placed.

If you have bruxism

Patients who grind their teeth when they’re asleep, in a condition known as bruxism, are at risk of damaging their dental implants and so for them it would probably be advisable to wait until they have their bruxism under control. Bruxism can usually be overcome, but since it is often stress related it can take a while to get to the core of the problem. Unfortunately a lot of trouble can be done while a patient is asleep and this generally involves wear and tear on the enamel and in really bad cases, broken teeth.

To place implants into the mouth of a bruxism sufferer would be putting a dental implant immediately at risk and is likely to shorten its life expectancy. Although we don’t want to discourage anyone from benefiting from dental implants, we wouldn’t want to place implants if we felt the procedure was not appropriate at that time.

If you’re sporty

Having dental implants placed if you participate in sports such as running or rowing isn’t a problem. However, if you regularly participate in sports such as boxing, or even football, where facial contact is likely, then it may be better to delay getting dental implants in Richmond until you’re no longer playing the sport. Front teeth in particular are very vulnerable and some sportsmen actually wear dentures which can be removed for the game and then put back in afterwards. Because dental implants are held in place by integration with the surrounding jawbone, a direct impact could not only result in tooth loss but may also do significant damage to the jaw. Naturally wearing a gum shield is a sensible course of action, but it’s still worth considering the risks and discussing this with us during your consultation, before deciding to go ahead with the implant procedure.

Over the long term, waiting until the time is right is particularly beneficial for dental implant patients. Whether that be waiting for new bone to grow following a bone graft or until you’re no longer boxing or playing football, patience is most definitely a virtue that will reap rewards in the long term. Besides discussing your medical history we’ll also offer the appropriate advice to ensure you receive the very best treatment for your particular circumstances.

If you’re considering a dental implant in Richmond, then we encourage you to book a free consultation with Sheen Dental to evaluate your situation. Call us today on 020 8876 5277 or book online at www.sheendentalimplants.co.uk. We look forward to meeting you.