Who Can And Can’t Have Dental Implants?

If you’re thinking about opting for dental implant surgery, you might be aware that dental implants in Richmond aren’t for everyone. This isn’t because the clinic is selective of it’s clientele but more because they simply aren’t eligible at this current time. So why is this? The reality is that it has a lot to do with risk; either during the surgical procedure or the risk of implant failure sometime after. Let’s take a closer look.

Overall health

dental implants in RichmondA patient’s overall health plays a big part in implant success or indeed failure. For instance if a patient suffers from heart problems such as cardiovascular disease, arrhythmia (irregular heartbeat) or angina, it might be problematic to risk any type of surgery. In addition anyone who has had certain cancers (particularly the facial variety) or have received radiation treatment in those areas, might also have problems retaining dental implants. Those who are vastly overweight might also be at risk if allowed to go through surgery. Finally patients who suffer with osteoporosis or those who have uncontrollable diabetes will have problems with new bone growth which is vital for implant success. All that said, this isn’t to say that every such case isn’t eligible. On the contrary every case should be assessed on an individual basis and a decision made based on the risks involved.

Lifestyle choices

Lifestyle choices such as smoking and drinking could also play a factor in whether or not a patient is eligible for dental implants in Richmond. Substances found in tobacco and in alcohol can slow down the bone growth process and in some extreme cases bone might not grow at all. In addition smoking carries bacteria which can have a dramatic effect on newly placed implants. For this reason smokers are normally asked to quit altogether prior to undergoing treatment, or if not they’ll be asked to quit for the duration of the process (this can last up to 9 months).


Believe it or not stress can play a big part in the success or failure of dental implants too. For example some people with stress related issues suffer from bruxism (teeth grinding). This usually occurs during sleep and creates excess wear and tear on the teeth, often to detrimental effect. Clearly for a newly placed implant, this isn’t good news.

Finally what about age?

Age on its own is never a barrier that stops patients from receiving implant treatment. If they lead a well-balanced and relatively healthy lifestyle, then there’s no reason why a person of 80 can’t have dental implants.

To find out more about eligibility, or to see if you yourself are indeed eligible then contact Sheen Dental for a free, no obligation consultation. Either contact us directly on 020 8876 5277 or make a booking online at www.sheendentalimplants.co.uk