Who Can Benefit From Dental Implants in Richmond?

According to a recent survey carried out by Straumann, one of the world’s leading companies in the field of restorative dentistry, the demand for dental implants in the UK has increased by 25% in the last three years alone. What’s more, this figure is set to increase over the next decade. With around 60% of all adults affected by some degree of tooth loss it’s good to know that dental implants in Richmond, or indeed anywhere else in the country, is an option that’s open to them. With this in mind let’s take a closer look at who could actually benefit from dental implant surgery.

dental implants in RichmondDental implants are usually carried out on those who have a missing tooth or teeth and wish to fill the gap. This could be someone who has suffered tooth decay and is feeling self-conscious about the empty space where a tooth should be, or alternatively it could be someone who’s lost a tooth because of an accident or sporting injury. Surgery is usually a relatively straight forward process with the gap being filled by a titanium implant post fastened directly into the jaw upon which a natural looking crown will eventually be secured a few weeks later. However, what about those with multiple missing teeth?

The good news is that implants can also be used to support a dental bridge or rows of dentures. This means that gaps don’t have to be filled on a ‘tooth for tooth’ basis which can be expensive and time consuming. Instead just a few strategically placed implants are strong enough to hold frameworks of dentures and bridges which can be clipped or snapped into place, to keep them secure.

Other people who might consider dental implants in Richmond are long-term denture wearers who have become disillusioned with their existing dentures. The fact is that wearing dentures won’t stop bone atrophy (bone wastage) and that’s an unfortunate and ongoing effect of tooth loss. As the bone continues to shrink and change, once snug fitting dentures will eventually become loose. When they do it makes it difficult to chew food and annunciate words properly but in addition, loose dentures can also start to rub, causing painful sores. Implant supported dentures takes away all of these problems as the dentures simply clip on to the implant framework meaning they’re kept firmly in place and feel comfortable and secure.

In essence, a dental implant in Richmond can solve tooth loss problems for many people and more importantly, they give people the chance to lead a normal life while no longer feeling, self-conscious, embarrassed, or in pain.

To find out more about dental implants and what they can do for you, why not visit our website at www.sheendentalimplants.co.uk or alternatively contact Dr Harmit Kalsi and the team at Sheen Dental on 020 8876 5277and book yourself a free, no-obligation consultation.