Who Can Have Dental Implants?

Many people who live in or around London may be considering a dental implant in Richmond and would like to learn more about the procedure and how it can help their smile. Dental implants offer a permanent solution to missing teeth and are the only type of restorative treatment which replicates the entire natural tooth.

dental-implants-richmondAbout dental implants

A dental implant consists of three parts: a titanium post (or prosthetic tooth root), an abutment, and a crown (the visible part above the gumline). The implant post is surgically embedded into the jawbone and is then left for a period to heal. During this time the surrounding bone and soft tissue bonds with the implant by growing over it. Once the implant has stabilised the abutment is attached to it and a couple of weeks after this, a custom crown will be fitted. The implant anchors the crown securely into the gum so that it feels, acts, and looks just like a natural tooth which blends in with your other teeth for a seamless smile. While for many people implant dentistry is a great solution to missing teeth, it isn’t for everyone and there are some factors which will make a person ineligible for implant treatment.


If you’re a child or teenager then you won’t be able to receive dental implant treatment simply because your jawbone is still growing. This could undermine the implant and cause it to loosen or fall out. For this reason, you will need to wait until your jawbone has reached maturity.


If you’re a smoker then your chances of implant success are greatly reduced since you’re more likely to suffer from gum disease and/or infection and in addition smoking slows down the healing process. This doesn’t mean you can’t ever have dental implants but it does mean you will need to quit smoking for several weeks prior to implant treatment and throughout the procedure.


If you’re pregnant then Dr. Harmit Kalsi is likely to recommend that you wait until your baby has been born until you have implant treatment.

Diseases and conditions

If you are suffering from uncontrolled diabetes, cancer, alcoholism, or have had radiation to the jaw then this can affect whether implants will fuse with the bone. This is why it’s important to let your dental surgeon know about your medical history and to inform him of any medications you are currently taking.

The easiest way to learn whether you are a candidate for dental implants in Richmond is to schedule a free implant consultation with Sheen Dental. To do so please call us on 020 8876 5277 or contact us online at www.sheendentalimplants.co.uk. We look forward to hearing from you.