Who Will You Be Treated By When You Opt For Dental Implants In Richmond?

So you’re considering undergoing treatment to get dental implants in Richmond, but who will you be treated by?

dental implants in RichmondAlthough general dentists are permitted to fit dental implants in the UK after a short course the more established implant clinics tend to have a dedicated team of specialists in their own field of dentistry. The reason for this is that it correlates with the phases of treatment necessary to bring back your great looking smile. Let’s take a closer look.


During the first phase of the procedure there’s a strong chance that you’ll be closely examined by a periodontist. This is a dentist that specialises in gum disease and is mainly concerned with the underlying support structures that make up the teeth. This includes the gum and bone that keep your teeth in position. A periodontist will check to see that your mouth is in relatively good condition and is free from periodontal (gum) disease which can cause problems with newly placed implants. If you do have some form of gum disease then the periodontist will treat the condition and help you manage it. Once there are no signs of disease and your gums are in good condition then implant treatment can begin.

Once a treatment plan has been agreed then it’s usually the periodontist who places implant into position. However just to confuse matters, periodontists who fit implants can sometimes be referred to as the ‘dental implant surgeon’ or ‘implantologist’. In a credible clinic the implant is carefully selected from one of the leading manufacturers and should be specific to your needs and requirements.


Once your titanium implant is in place and bone fusion is successful (usually somewhere between 6 weeks and 3 months) you’ll then be referred to a Prosthodontist. They ensure that the prosthetics (the crown or teeth) are perfect for you. They’re responsible for the fit, the aesthetics, and the design of the finished look and just like a site manager on a construction site, they co-ordinate every aspect to make sure that everything comes together at the right time.

One thing to be wary of!

As you can see, there are no ‘specialists in dental implantology’, instead it’s a team effort. Therefore if a dentist claims to be a specialist in the field of dental implantology then you’re right to be wary as they are in fact in breach of the guidelines laid down by the General Dental Council (GDC) and could even be struck off.

Here at Sheen Dental we’ve been placing dental implants in Richmond patients for a great number of years and Dr Harmit Kalsi and the team all work together to ensure that you get that perfect smile. We invite you to come to the clinic and meet the team in a free, no-obligation consultation where you can get all your questions and concerns answered allowing you to make an informed dental decision. To make a booking either go through our website at www.sheendentalimplants.co.uk or contact us directly on 020 8876 5277. We look forward to meeting you.