Why 3-D Imaging Is So Crucial For Safe And Successful Dental Implant Surgery

It’s a bit of a no-brainer that the success of a dental implant in Richmond or elsewhere in the UK relies heavily on the skill and experience of the surgeon, but you may not have realised that without the use of precise 3D images of the jaw bone, the procedure would instead rely on guess work.

So what is 3-D Imaging and what is it used for?

dental implants in Richmond3-D digital imaging is crucial to the success of dental implant treatment and ensures accuracy and safer surgery for the patient. These precise images allow the surgeon to look at a patient’s jaw bone from all angles on a computer screen to carefully determine what are the best surgical options for the patient.

The imaging also allows the surgeon to plan the exact placement and position of a dental implant before any surgery takes place. This ensures that:

  • no arteries or nerves are ‘hit’ during the insertion of the implant
  • the implant is placed so that once the crown or bridge is fixed on top, it ends up in the right position in the mouth.

What could happen if the surgeon got it wrong:

  • the patient’s teeth could end up misaligned and crooked
  • haemorrhaging could occur
  • the lips could go numb and this may be a permanent fixture

3-D images provide the dentist and/or surgeon with the most detailed information they could possibly have with a complete view of the anatomy of the face and jaw from practically every angle and perspective. This leads to more accuracy in diagnosing and increased precision in treatment. The fact that the dentist or surgeon can show the 3-D images to their patients lets them see clearly the problem area and helps to convince them to opt for a particular treatment, feeling satisfied that they fully understand what is going to happen. 3D X-rays are quick and easy and take only 10 seconds to acquire a complete and concise overview of the jaw and dental area.

Here at Sheen Dental we understand how vital precision 3D imaging of the jaw is to the implant treatment which is why we use the very latest in dental CT scanners to provide us with 3D images of the jaw before going ahead with surgery. This machinery provides amazing high resolution, high definition images which have enabled us to successfully fit hundreds of dental implants over the last few years. Because this new generation of CT scanners works with levels of radiation that are many times lower than that of a hospital CT scanner, the procedure is more convenient and can be carried out at our clinic plus they’re considerably safer.

If you’re interested in getting dental implants in Richmond fitted, then you can be sure that you’re in safe hands with Sheen Dental. We offer a complimentary consultation where we can answer all your questions, so why not book an appointment today on 020 8876 5277 or visit our website for more information at www.sheendentalimplants.co.uk