Why A Sinus Lift May Be Necessary Before Dental Implants Are Placed

While many of the patients that come to us for dental implants in Richmond are suitable candidates and able to have the procedure without any prior treatment, there are others that need additional treatments in order to ensure a successful outcome.

sinus-lift-richmondThese prior procedures normally occur in patients who do not have sufficient bone in the jaw in which to place a dental implant. Often this is the elderly, or those who have worn dentures for many years.

Bone grafts

One way in which we can increase the density of the bone is with a bone graft. Bone is usually taken from the patient themselves, often from the chin and sometimes the hip, and grafted onto the bone in the jaw. This is then left for a period of time as new bone cells are generated. Once new bone has formed to make a stable platform into which to secure a dental implant, the implant procedure can go ahead.

Sinus lift

Another option we can use when there is lack of bone in the upper jaw is a sinus lift. This may sound a little scary but trust us, it’s a common procedure which we regularly carry out. Once again this is done either using bone from the patient, a donor bank, or artificial bone material and adding it to the upper jaw.

Although a sinus lift is typically used because of lack of bone available in the upper jaw, sometimes it’s used because the sinuses may be too close to the jaw bone, to make it possible to place a dental implant safely. This is determined beforehand using scans and X-rays.

As the sinus becomes larger with age, this procedure is more common in older patients seeking a dental implant in Richmond than younger patients, although sometimes facial shape can play a part in a patient needing a sinus lift, or sinus augmentation as it’s also called.

Same day implants

One procedure which is unlikely to need a bone graft or sinus graft is ‘same day implants’. Although implants are used to attach a fixed bridge, we’re able to use specially designed implants which can be placed at a certain angle into the bone at the rear of the jaw. This means they can be placed into the mouths of patients who would not have sufficient density for standard implants.

If you’d like to discuss dental implants in Richmond in more detail, then why not book a free implant consultation with Sheen Dental where you can meet Dr. Harmit Kalsi and the team to discuss your options. You can book online at www.sheendentalimplants.co.uk or contact us direct on 020 8876 5277. We look forward to hearing from you.