Why Are Dental Implants Made Using Titanium?

Part of the reason why dental implants in Richmond are relatively expensive when compared to other forms of tooth replacement is because of the material they’re fashioned from. That material is titanium. This is exactly the same material that’s commonly used in the constriction of Formula 1 racing cars and was also used on the Space Shuttle; but if it’s so expensive, why is it used? Let’s take a closer look.

It’s light weight yet strong

dental implants in richmondWhen compared to cold-pressed steel, titanium is around 45% lighter yet it’s similar in strength, but twice as strong as aluminium. In fact there’s no other metal that has the lightweight to strength ratio that titanium has. If you consider that our natural teeth apply something like 200lbs of bite pressure per square inch, then you clearly need a material that’s strong enough to take similar forces if it’s going to become a permanent form of tooth replacement.

Titanium is non-corrosive

Another advantage of titanium and of particular benefit to a dental implant in Richmond is that it’s non-corrosive. This means that it won’t rust, tarnish, or weaken when exposed to any elements. Therefore it’s safe when placed into the body and is non-allergenic and this is why it’s been used for procedures such as hip replacements for many years.

Titanium has the durability factor

Titanium is about as long lasting as any material can be. Because dental implant technology is still relatively new, many of the people who’ve had implants fitted are still alive. As a result it’s hard to tell with any exact details just how long dental implants can last for. What we do, however, know  for certain is that the very first dental implants were placed into a Swedish patient in 1965 and they lasted right up until his death in 2006. Therefore we can say with some confidence that implants can last for forty years or more, if cared for properly and that’s arguably down to the durability of titanium.

It’s bio-compatible

Perhaps one of the most fascinating properties of titanium is that it’s bio-compatible. This means that it’s compatible with living tissue or a living organism and is one of the few materials that have this ability. As far as dental implants are concerned, this compatibility is highly important. When implants are secured into the jaw bone the surrounding bone tissue fuses with it over time. This is what gives the implant its super-strong platform and enables implant wearers to eat and chew any foods they like.

Yes titanium is expensive but it’s what gives the dental implant it’s fantastic capabilities and makes it stand head and shoulders above any other form of tooth replacement. To find out more about dental implants in Richmond and how they can change your life why not schedule a free, no-obligation consultation with Sheen Dental. To book yours simply visit our website at www.sheendentalimplants.co.uk, or contact us directly on 020 8876 5277. Dr Harmit Kalsi and the team look forward to hearing from you.