Why Are Dental Implants The Price They Are?

One thing that may put off some people from getting dental implants in Richmond or any other place in the UK for that matter, is the cost. With prices starting from around £900 and upwards for a single dental implant then it does seem an expensive method of tooth replacement.

dental implants in RichmondDental implants are considered a permanent method of replacing a tooth or teeth since they are placed directly into the jaw bone and are not removed for cleaning or sleeping purposes. To all intents and purposes they look, act, and feel very similar to natural teeth. Cared for properly, they have been proven to last for over 40 years, so if you were to consider this against the initial cost, then over the long term the treatment is in fact incredibly cost-effective.

So how does a dental clinic arrive at the price for dental implants? Let’s take a look at what’s involved:

  • Time spent by your dental surgeon in carrying out diagnostics, analysis and undertaking all of the preparation work prior to the implant
  • Courses to train the dental team so that they know all about the workings of a dental implant
  • The cost of the implant itself which is precision engineered from pure titanium such as you’d find in Formula 1 racing cars
  • A ceramic crown to sit on top of the implant which is crafted to look as natural as possible by a highly trained dental technician
  • Follow up appointments and after-care provided by your dentist to ensure that integration of the implant post and the surrounding bone takes proper effect during the healing period
  • Ongoing care to help ensure that your implant lasts for as long as possible, if not your lifetime.

When you have a dental implant in Richmond, then it’s made to order, a little like a bespoke suit, and will only fit the measurements of your mouth, and not anyone else’s. Bear in mind that you’ll also be wearing this implant 24 hours a day and using it even as you sleep (since some people grind their teeth at night). For this reason it makes sense to pay for top quality treatment to give your implant the best success of lasting a lifetime.

If you’re interested in learning more about the dental implant procedure and in fact, finding out whether or not you are a suitable candidate, then why not get in touch with Sheen Dental today. We offer a free no-obligation consultation where you’ll get to meet the team and take a tour of our premises, as well as getting all of your questions answered. When it comes to paying for your implant, then we offer 2 very good finance options to help you spread the cost. Call us today on 020 8876 5277 to book a consultation or visit our website at www.sheendentalimplants.co.uk.