Why CT Scans Are A Vital Part Of The Dental Implant Procedure

One of the most important technologies to emerge in the dental profession in recent years is that of three dimensional X-rays which are often referred to as CT scans. This remarkable technology provides Dr. Harmit Kalsi, here at Sheen Dental, with virtually limitless views of the neck, face and teeth which allows for precision planning of the treatment for dental implants in Richmond before any surgery takes place. It also offers numerous benefits both for the surgeon and the patient.

How does it work?

dental implants in RichmondMost dental clinics use what is known as Cone Beam CT scanning which provides highly detailed three dimensional views of the bone structure and position of the teeth which allows for a more thorough analysis of the patient’s mouth and shows things that can’t be seen by the naked eye. It delivers images similar to that from medical CT’s but within a quicker time scale and with a lower dose of radiation, typically around 10% lower. It’s a totally painless process which consists of sitting on a chair as the revolving arm moves around the head, and takes less than 25 seconds to complete.

The dentist can then call up these images onto a computer screen, both in 2D and 3D so that he can see a panoramic view of your mouth as well as a sequence of images, similar to turning the pages of a book. This means that he can view your mouth from any angle and with different levels of magnification so that he can see the intricate layout of your bones, teeth, airways, tissues, and nerves to plan or assess your treatment.

How this varies from a normal dental X-ray

A normal dental X-ray focuses specifically just on the teeth and it takes one exposure for each X-ray picture, so you’d need lots of these to compare to just one CT scan. The CT scan is much more than just a ‘flat’ image and delivers incredible detail. Another important benefit is that since this data is stored by the computer it can be easily duplicated to provide different dental specialists with images if required at a later date and even better, there’s no film to get lost.

Why is it needed?

Whether you’re just starting treatment or the dentist is evaluating the results, these highly detailed images give dental professionals all the information they need in order to diagnose or plan. This information means improved patient care and can mean that you feel more confident and satisfied with your treatment.

Here at Sheen Dental we use state-of-the art equipment, including CT scanners, to ensure that our patients receive the best possible care. If you’re interested in finding out more about getting a dental implant in Richmond then we offer a free no-obligation consultation. So why not come and talk to us and find out if a dental implant is for you. Call us today on 020 8876 5277 or contact us via our website at www.sheendentalimplants.co.uk.