Why dental implants are an excellent choice for tooth replacement

Dental implants are often the best method of replacing missing teeth. Sheen Dental in Richmond offers a number of implant solutions, provided by highly qualified and experienced implant dentist Dr Harmit Kalsi. No matter whether you have lost one tooth through an accident or have lost all of your teeth through poor health, we are confident that we will find the perfect implant treatment for you.

tooth-replacementThere have been rapid developments in the field of dental implants over the past three decades, and today’s advanced materials and techniques mean that more people than ever before are now suitable for treatment. Dr Harmit Kalsi, clinical director of Sheen Dental in Richmond, is one of a small number of dentists to be awarded the Diploma in Implantology from the Royal College of Surgeons of England. This means he can treat even highly complex implant cases.

How dental implants work

Designed to replace the root portions of one or more natural teeth, dental implants are small titanium screws that are placed in your jaw bone in a small operation here at our modern Richmond dental practice. They are then combined with either crowns, bridgework, or dentures to restore both aesthetic appeal and full functionality to your jaw.

After your implants have been placed they will mesh with your jaw bone in a process called osseointegration. This typically takes two to three months, and ensures that your new teeth will be anchored with a strength similar to that of natural tooth roots.

In some cases, particularly for those who need all the teeth replaced in one or both jaws, we are able to fit temporary teeth at the same time as placing dental implants. Same Day Teeth is popular with denture-wearers at out Richmond practice; we will discuss your suitability when you come for an implant consultation.

Dental implants are an excellent way to combat common denture problems, including loose teeth that cause pain and discomfort by rubbing the gums, difficulties with eating anything but soft foods, problems speaking clearly, and issues with confidence if dentures become so loose they are in danger of slipping out unexpectedly.