Why dental implants are often the perfect way to replace missing teeth

With dental implants, a dentist has a permanent way of restoring both function and beauty to your jaw. At Sheen Dental in Richmond, our clinical director, Dr Harmit Kalsi, is one of a small number of dentists to have been awarded the Diploma in Implantology from the Royal College of Surgeons of England.

dental-implantsOur Richmond dental practice regularly accepts referrals for implant treatment, including complex cases where additional work is needed to rebuild the jaw bone density prior to implant placement. So if your dentist has told you that you’re unsuitable for dental implants, you can ask to be referred to Sheen Dental, Richmond, or can refer yourself. We are confident that our skilled implant team can help you.

The advantages of dental implants

There are numerous benefits in choosing dental implants over standard dentures or bridges. One of the key points is their permanence – with good oral hygiene and regular visits to your dentist and hygienist, your implants could last you many years, perhaps even for life.

A lot of the problems associated with traditional dentures – progressive looseness that makes eating and speaking difficult, and can dent your confidence if your teeth become prone to slipping or falling out – are caused at least in part by bone resorbtion. This is a common side-effect of losing your natural teeth, because when the tooth roots are missing the jaw bone starts to resorb (shrink). The gum tissue often recedes too, which can lead to your dentures becoming loose.

Dental implants help to prevent these problems because they replace the tooth roots and, because they are made from titanium, they also support bone growth.

Your implants are placed in your jaw bone in a minor operation at our Richmond dental clinic. Sometimes teeth can be attached at the same appointment – a procedure called Same Day Teeth, which is often suitable for those who currently wear a full denture.

In other cases, a healing period is required. You will be advised of your option when you come to our Richmond dental practice for a consultation. Dental implants can be used to replace one, some, or all of your teeth.