Why Dental Implants Are The Way Forward For Missing Teeth

Most people who come to us seeking dental implants in Richmond do so because they have already lost teeth. Others might feel that dentures or a partial crown might be a better option for them. Obviously outside factors might dictate which route they choose to go down such as cost, eligibility, and whether they want to have a surgical procedure. If this is the case then we’ll make sure that they’re fitted with replacement teeth that are right for them. Alternatively, assuming that eligibility, surgery (and to a certain extent) cost aren’t a deal breaker, then we’ll recommend dental implants every time. Here’s why?

They’re permanent

dental implants in RichmondUnlike any other form of teeth replacement dental implants are permanently attached. As a result they don’t need to be taken out when sleeping or to be cleaned and once fitted, are about as hassle-free as replacement teeth get.

They have a long life

They’re also permanent in another sense in that dental implants have a far longer shelf life than your average denture of bridge. A standard denture for example sits directly on the gum line and as such won’t stop the ongoing process of bone loss which occurs naturally after teeth are missing. As a result snug fitting dentures become loose over time. This is why they have to be adjusted and eventually replaced. For this reason the shelf-life of a set of dentures is around 10 years at best. Dental implants on the other hand can halt the bone loss process because they mimic the natural tooth root. Over time after the implant is secured down into the jaw bone the surrounding tissue begins to fuse with it. This is what give the implant its super-strong platform. Because they’re held firmly in place, they shouldn’t become loose and more importantly never need replacing. Therefore the longevity of a dental implant can easily be in excess of 30 years provided it’s cared for properly.

They’re cost effective

If you look at a dental implant in Richmond as a one off, short-term cost then it’s fair to say that they don’t come cheap. However if you take the long-term view then implants are actually pretty cost-effective. Consider this… We already know that the average denture lasts somewhere between 7-10 years and implants anything up to 35 years plus. Therefore a quick calculation means that you would have to replace your dentures roughly 4 times during this period. Are dentures 4 times cheaper than dental implants? Probably not. What’s more, you’ve got to add on the cost of fixatives and cleaning tablets throughout, which you won’t need with implants. Suddenly it’s easy to see how dental implants really are a cost-effective solution.

Aside from the fact that dental implants are considered the most technically advanced form of teeth replacement that modern dentistry allows, these three reasons alone indicate why we’ll always recommend them where possible.

To find out more about dental implants in Richmond then why not schedule a free, no obligation consultation with us right here at Sheen Dental. We’ll answer all of your questions and concerns allowing you to make a fully informed dental decision once and for all. To make a booking either phone directly on 020 8876 5277 or via an email on our website at www.sheendentalimplants.co.uk