Why dental implants offer more than just a happy smile

Dental implants are, more often than not, the perfect way to replace missing teeth. That’s the opinion of Sheen Dental Implants in Richmond, who offer a wide-range of implant-based treatments to suit all cases of tooth loss.

dental-implants-in-richmondStandard tooth replacements – dental bridges or dentures – only replace the crowns of your teeth, but the roots are equally important. The natural roots of your teeth don’t just hold them firmly in place, they also keep your jaw bone healthy and strong. A healthy jaw bone helps to keep your teeth secure and functional, and also helps to stop you looking old before your time.

Dental implants are bionic tooth roots that are made from titanium, which supports healthy bone growth. At our Richmond dental practice we can use them to provide an effective, functional, and aesthetically pleasing long-term solution to tooth loss.

Having well-fitting, secure false teeth is very important to enabling you to continue to maintain a healthy and nutritious diet, because unlike with traditional dentures you won’t face any restrictions on what you can eat, so healthy choices such as jacket potatoes or raw fruit and vegetables remain on your menu.

Good nutrition and a healthy diet are very important to avoiding many serious general health issues. Good teeth are essential to good nutrition.

Richmond dental implants

At our Richmond dental practice, our skilled implant dentist can use dental implants combined with dentures, a bridge, or a crown to replace anything from one to all of your natural teeth. The end results will look just like real teeth, and will act just like them, too.

Most people only need local anaesthesia for the placement of dental implants, but if fear of the dentist has contributed to your tooth loss, we can also carry out treatment under dental sedation.

We are even able to offer hope to patients who have already experienced bone loss. At our Richmond clinic our skilled implant surgeon can carry out a range of additional procedures to rebuild your level of bone density.

Healing takes about six months, during which time temporary teeth may be fitted. When healing is complete, permanent teeth are attached.