Why Dental Implants Sometimes Fail

Here at Sheen Dental our success rate with dental implants in Richmond is very high at around 97%. We use the very latest technology and state-of-the-art equipment, and our dental team are highly qualified and skilled at what they do. However, just like everything in life, there are no guarantees and sometimes there is a very small chance that a dental implant can fail. We thought we’d explain why implants can fail and what can be done to prevent it.

dental-implants-richmondOld implants

Once dental implants are placed and have fused with the bone, they’re expect to last for many years. However, in the earlier days of dental implants, the technology wasn’t as advanced as it is today, and the training too may have been more limited than it is now, which is why older implants may be failing. This doesn’t mean they can’t be replaced, however, and we’d urge you to book a free consultation with Dr. Harmit Kalsi to discuss your options.

Insufficient bone

If an implant has been placed into bone which is not wide or deep enough to cover the implant and fuse successfully, then there’s every change that it will become loose and fall out. Here at Sheen Dental we use three dimensional imagery to ascertain the density of the bone, and if it’s found lacking, we can often perform a bone graft to grow more bone and create a strong base for the implant.

Drinking and smoking

We always tell our patients that it’s important to cut right back on smoking and drinking for a period of time on either side of the procedure. While most patients heed our advice, there are those who don’t, and by not doing so they’re placing their new implants at risk, and it’s quite likely the implants will fail.

Gum disease

Even though an implant is an artificial tooth it’s still really important to look after your gums to prevent gum disease. Unhealthy gums can lead to periodontitis which, once it takes hold, can undermine the bone supporting your implant and cause it to loosen and fall out. Gum disease is easily avoided with professional support and a reasonable amount of care, and we can discuss this with you during your consultation.

If you’re seriously considering a dental implant in Richmond then we invite you to attend a free implant consultation where you can meet Dr. Kalsi and the team, take a tour of our facilities, and get your questions answered. To book your consultation visit our website at www.sheendentalimplants.co.uk or give us a call on 020 8876 5277. We look forward to hearing from you.