Why Dentists Recommend The Soft Approach When Brushing Teeth

Here at Sheen Dental we’re a clinic who carries out general dentistry as well as dental implants in Richmond. If you’ve ever read anything about dental implants then you’ll know that good oral hygiene is of paramount important both before, during, and after the process and this all stems down to regular and thorough brushing and flossing.

dental implants in RichmondOne of the problems we often encounter with patients is damage to the gums and the enamel on their teeth as a result of over zealous brushing. Just as there are plenty of types of toothbrush to choose from, so there are different bristles, namely hard, medium and soft. We always recommend that all our patients, particularly children use a soft bristled brush.

Many people think that a hard bristled brush is necessary to clean teeth properly and that in order for them to conduct thorough cleaning they need to scrub away at their teeth. This couldn’t be further from the truth. Using a hard or medium bristled brush can result in harm to your teeth and gums by removing the enamel surface on your teeth and irritating the gums so that they become sore and bleed. In some cases this can even lead to gum recession. If your preference is for a hard or medium bristle toothbrush, then we would recommend the use of an electric toothbrush instead.

Soft bristles are far more gentle on teeth and gums and although we recommend them for all our patients, they are particularly suited to children and to patients recovering from dental implant surgery and other procedures, as well as for patients wearing braces. Toothbrushes with soft bristles are every bit as effective as those with harder bristles since it’s more about the technique than the amount of pressure applied. Next time you buy a new toothbrush try a soft bristled brush and you probably won’t even notice the difference.

If you’re seeking a dental implant in Richmond and your oral hygiene isn’t up to scratch don’t be put off by coming to see us. We’ll be able to clean your teeth thoroughly and remove any plaque and our hygienists will show you just how to improve and maintain a good level of oral hygiene before we can consider dental implants. Call us today on 020 8876 5277 to book an appointment or visit our website at www.sheendentalimplants.co.uk where you’ll find plenty of information on all the dental techniques and procedures that we offer.