Why Do I Need To Replace Missing Teeth?

People turn to dental implants in Richmond to replace missing teeth but is it really necessary? Let’s face it, we all start life with 32 teeth. So if we lose a tooth or two, does it really matter? If it were a front tooth that was visible when you smile then of course someone might replace it for aesthetic reasons. However what about back teeth that aren’t visible? Do you really need to replace them? Let’s take a closer look at what happens when just one tooth is lost.

dental-implants-in-richmondThe very first thing that happens is that the adjacent teeth will start to move as they drift towards the gap causing slight misalignment and twisting. Secondly the opposing tooth will continue to grow until it finds something to bite on. In doing so they gradually start displacing other nearby teeth. Thirdly, the increased biting load is spread onto other teeth causing excessive wear and tear. Finally, as the bone tissue that once supported the missing tooth root continues to waste away, it causes bone shrinkage, which in turn leads to saggy facial skin, wrinkles, and of course ageing.

So what can be done?

A dental implant in Richmond for example will halt the bone loss process, so no more jaw shrinkage and early ageing. Unlike other forms of tooth replacement a dental implant is also strong enough to take its share of the bite load thus relinquishing the excess load that the other nearby teeth have had to endure. Finally the prosthetic tooth will plug the gap meaning no more tooth drifting.

Of course you don’t have to do anything, but it’s worth noting that just one missing tooth can kick-start a chain of events that may cause the rest of your teeth to go downhill quicker than you think. By having the missing tooth replaced sooner rather than later you stand a greater chance of maintaining the rest of your teeth for many more years to come.

If you’ve experienced a missing tooth and would like to talk to us about dental implants in Richmond then we urge you to book a free consultation with us. Here, Dr Harmit Kalsi and the team can discuss your dental needs and requirements in detail so you can make a fully informed dental decision. To book yours either visit our website at www.sheendentalimplants.co.uk or alternatively you can contact us directly on 020 8876 5277. We look forward to welcoming you and showing you what we can do. Don’t delay, get in touch with us right now!