Why Do The Costs Of Dental Implants Vary From Clinic To Clinic?

You might be surprised to know that there may well be substantial price differences in the costs of dental implants in Richmond depending upon where you go. The reason for this is that dental implants aren’t a ‘one fix’ solution and as such, treatments can differ greatly from person to person. Aside from treatment variation there are also several other factors which can determine the overall price. Let’s take a closer look.

Use of premium brands

dental implants in RichmondSome clinics will use only premium implant brands on their patients. This could be because they’re tried and tested and are a product that the surgeon feels comfortable and confident with. That said, in the main the quality of the implant doesn’t usually affect the overall success and instead it’s the skill and experience of the surgeon which is often more important.

Clinic overheads

Another factor of implant surgery pricing is clinic overheads. A central London Harley Street clinic for example is far more likely to have greater overheads in terms of rental, staff wages and even utilities. As such this may be reflected in the price.

Experience of the surgeon performing the operation

To become a fully qualified dentist specialising in implants, it can take years of study and this all incurs a cost, often running into thousands of pounds. These training costs are usually paid for by the dentist themselves. This means that more often than not, when they initially set up, they’re in debt. This has to be recouped. In addition many experienced implant dentists have successfully fitted thousands of implants during their careers and many have gone on to teach or lecture about implantology. Because of this experience they can rightly charge more.

What the price includes?

When you see a cheaper price for a dental implant in Richmond, it’s more than likely to be preceded by that magic word ‘from‘. Yes on paper it sounds like a good deal as the dental implant could well be this price. However when you then add on the cost of the other fixtures and fittings needed to complete the surgery such as the abutment, crown, and any other procedures that need to be carried out, costs can soon mount up. For this reason it’s very important to make sure that the price you’re quoted is ‘all inclusive‘ and is what you’ll pay in the end.

The bottom line is that when it comes to dental implants in Richmond, deciding which clinic to choose should never be based on price alone and as such there are many other factors that should be considered. If you would like to find out more about the cost of dental implants here at Sheen Dental, then visit our website at www.sheendentalimplants.co.uk. Alternatively if you’d like to speak to us in person about your dental options then why not book yourself a free, no-obligation consultation on 020 8876 5277. At the end of the meeting, you’ll be armed with the tools necessary to make as fully informed decision about your dental future.