Why do we lose teeth? Sheen Dental implants Richmond can provide the solution
This question has many answers and it’s one we’d be hard pressed to answer in just one blog but we’re going to dive as deep into the topic as we can. We, at Sheen Dental, have been looking back through the most recent cases we’ve had regarding tooth loss to see which ones stood out as being in some way related, and as suspected there were a few common causes that kept coming up, so for today we’ll focus on those.

Old age
We want to start off by dispelling a few myths here, as you can’t actually really lose teeth purely down to ‘old age’ there has to be some related condition that’s actually causing the tooth loss. For example it may be that you’ve developed a bone density issue that’s caused your teeth to loosen and as such that’s the cause of your tooth loss. There are many people who go well into their 80s and 90s who still have their natural teeth.
Existing health conditions and medication
There are a whole heap of medical conditions you can have that could have effects on your oral health. These include rheumatoid arthritis, Sjogren’s syndrome, cancer, lupus, Parkinson’s, Huntington’s, addiction, eating disorders and diabetes. And there are still more. These conditions will in some way naturally affect oral health and cause teeth to fall out, for some they’ll be able to have teeth replacement systems like Sheen Dental implants Richmond and for others they’ll be looking towards dentures or bridges, depending on lots of other factors.
Smoking is very bad for our health in general, but it affects our teeth and gums really badly. It destroys their health and causes heaps of issues and of course can even lead to mouth cancer. The smoke and the toxins in it rots away at gums and bone health until it’s destroyed leaving patients with loose teeth.
Poor oral hygiene
The most common reason for tooth loss that we see at our dental practice is those who have neglected their oral hygiene over a long period. Patients who have neglected to come and see us for check-ups and have rejected best practice when it comes to cleaning are those who in the most part end up losing their teeth first and usually it begins very young. Oral hygiene is super important and the only way to know if you’re truly keeping on top of yours is by coming to see us for regular check-ups.
What can be done?
Luckily we live in a world full of amazing technologies and none are more amazing than some of the tooth replacement systems now available. We at Sheen Dental are proud to offer Sheen Dental implants Richmond as a tooth replacement option. Sheen Dental implants Richmond provide the only tooth replacement system that can potentially last a lifetime, as well as offer bone stimulation.
If you’re worried about the condition of your teeth or would like to learn more about the issues discussed in this blog, then please get in contact with the surgery where one of our lovely team members will be on hand to assist you.