Why Has My Dental Implant Become Loose?

Although dental implants in Richmond have a very high success rate of more than 95%, that doesn’t change the fact that a small percentage do fail. One of the most common problems is for dental patients to discover that their implant has become loose.

Possible causes of a loose dental implant

dental implants in RichmondThere are several reasons why a dental implant can become loose, so let’s take a look:

  • Osseointegration fails to take place – Once the implant post has been surgically placed into the jawbone, the surgeon would hope that the surrounding bone grows over the surface of the implant to create a physical bond. This process is known as osseointegration. If the body’s natural healing ability is impaired or the implant is placed under undue pressure, then osseointegration can fail to take place. Other causes for this process not to happen can be that the implant has been placed into an area where there is insufficient healthy bone to support it, or the implant hasn’t been placed properly and this can cause it to fail to form an adequate bond. Typically this would happen fairly soon after the implant has been placed.
  • Infection – Another common cause for an implant to fail is an infection known as peri-implantitis. This is similar to gum disease which can happen around biological teeth and is caused by bacteria attacking the gum tissue which supports the implant. Sometimes this can happen during the surgery itself, but more often than not infection can occur months or years after implant placement and is caused by poor oral hygiene and occasionally by the cement that is used to secure the crowns to the abutments. This can cause inflammation of the gums which in turn can undermine the bone supporting the implant, causing it to loosen.
  • Overloading – This can occur when freshly placed implants are subjected to too great a pressure which impacts on osseointegration. It usually happens when patients are receiving their false teeth at the same time that the implants are placed, or in cases where implants are disturbed during their healing period, by pressure being placed on the abutments which protrude, for example.
  • Loose, or poorly made prosthetics – It’s not uncommon for prosthetics such as dentures, bridges, and crowns to cause their supporting implants to become loose if they themselves become unstable, because of cement or screws loosening, wear and tear, or poor fitting in the first place, which causes them to shift in the mouth when a person bites or chews. This movement can put pressure on the implant causing it to loose its bond with the jawbone and to loosen.

What to do if your implant loosens

Make an immediate appointment to see your dentist or oral surgeon. Often on professional examination it will be found that the movement is being caused by an abutment or crown having become loose, rather than than the actual implant. However, because these issues can damage the implant it’s important to get it fixed as quickly as possible.

If the patient finds that the problem does in fact lie with the implant then in some cases immediate treatment can save it. However, most loose implants do require removal because they may otherwise damage the jawbone. If your implant has to be removed then it can usually be placed again after a further healing period, although it may be necessary to use a bone graft for added stability.

If you’re considering a dental implant in Richmond then it makes sense to use a dentist that has considerable skill and expertise, with a proven track record. Sheen Dental is one such dentist so why not take advantage of our free consultation to find out more. Call us today on 020 8876 5277 or book your appointment online at www.sheendentalimplants.co.uk.