Why Have Dental Implants Become Popular?

It’s true that dental implants have revolutionised the dental industry since their inception over 60 years ago but it’s only in the last decade that they’ve become really popular with patients. In fact here at Sheen Dental we’ve witnessed a definite spike over the last couple of years in the number of people opting for dental implants in Richmond over other forms of teeth replacement, but why have they become so popular?

Better Affordability

dental implants in RichmondDespite the fact that dental implants are still the most expensive form of missing teeth replacement, they have become more affordable in recent years. Take twenty years ago for instance. If you wanted dental implants, there were probably only a handful of dentists in the country who were trained to fit them. In addition, there were also only a handful of implant manufacturers, all of which could name their price. Nowadays with over 150 different implant brands to choose from and countless clinics, competition is fierce. If you also add to this the fact that most clinics offer a variety of ways to pay for treatment including spreading the cost over a number of months, it’s easy to see how dental implants have become a more affordable option.

Greater knowledge

Even a decade or so ago, there wasn’t the information readily available about dental implants and how they can change your life. Therefore it’s understandable that people were sceptical about something they weren’t sure of. Nowadays, with the availability of the World Wide Web much has been published about implants and anyone interested can simply go online and find a plethora of information written about them. This gives people the opportunity to make a more informed dental decision about their tooth replacement options.

Advancements in technology

Finally, anyone considering undergoing surgery for a dental implant in Richmond, or indeed anywhere else in the country will be pleased to know that major advancements in technology not only make the surgical process pain-free but with the invention of computerised mock-ups and 3D scanning they take much of the guess work out of the process too. This means that a patient visiting an experienced implant dentist can now realistically expect success rates of somewhere between 95% and 98%.

If you’re longing to bring back the smile that missing teeth have taken away and are considering undergoing treatment for dental implants in Richmond then come and speak to Sheen Dental. Dr Harmit Kalsi and the team have been fitting implants in patients for many years so why not contact us and book yourself a free, no-obligation consultation where you can get all your questions and concerns answered. To make a booking either visit our website at www.sheendentalimplants.co.uk or call us directly on 020 8876 5277 today.